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All I Want Is You -- Torah Or Bo Maamar Lemaan Tehyeh

The Love Inspired by the Realization that the Endless One Renounced His Infinity for You

1 hr 33 min

Class Summary:

Torah Or Bo -- Maamar Lemaan Tehyeh. The love inspired by the realization that the Endless One renounced His infinity just to have a relationship with you.

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  • A

    Avi -5 years ago

    Rabbi Jacobson,
    I just finished learning the incredible maamer in Torah Ohr Parshas Bo "Lemaan Tehye" and it seemed to me that the Alter Rebbe there was saying the Ahavas Aish was the higher level of love or more passionate love whereas in Tanya in Perek 9  the Rebbe said that the Ahavas Mayim is higher and that's the level of the Tzaddik Gommur. Are Both statements true?


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  • Y

    Yosef-mendel -6 years ago

    Yankee doodle 🎶

    Rabbi, You're rendition of Yankee doodle about 1:29:00 into it, was so great ☺ 

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  • M

    Morty -7 years ago

    "G-D suspended himself for us, so we suspend himself for him". If G-D is infinite and can do anything, then his self suspension does not seem to be significant, to inspire me a limited and finite being to suspend myself for him, which is a lot more difficult. How should this inspire me ?

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  • D

    DHadar -7 years ago

    The shiur is not loading?

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    • I

      Isaac -7 years ago


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  • R

    raphael -10 years ago

    this class
    Awesome, thank you for your efforts...

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 1, 2014
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  • 29 Tevet 5774
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Dedicated in the honor of the Bris of Yehuda Leib Bistritzky, 29 Teves, by his parents Motty and Chaya Bistritzky. May they raise him to Torah, Chupah and a Life of Good Deeds.

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