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Singing in the Abyss

Korach's Great Mistake That Some Jews Are Holier Than Others

1 hr 30 min

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Korach, 29 Sivan, 5779, Jul 2, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY


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  • JNYF

    jill na Yehudis Firestone -10 months ago

    It's baffleing how the sons of Korach who devised the revolt creating the greatest Machlokos, not leshem Shemayim- mentioned in Pirket Avos- had their hirhur teshuva accepted and were saved.  The Meroglim on the other hand, did Teshuva regretting what they said  and were still Chiav Misah.

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Where does it say that the spies did Teshuvah? That does not say in the Torah.

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  • Anonymous -10 months ago

    Thank you!

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson, 

    Thank you for this special class. It was just what I needed today and was deeply motivating and inspiring. Gehinom is where Bnei Korach composed Tehilim. I am never too far to create poetry about my life! And G-d? He is the color of water. What a special idea that resonates deeply with me, and is exactly what I needed to hear today. 

    thank you! 

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Awesome, thanks so so much for the feedback. It means so much to me and my team. May we always be able to sing and dance!

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  • M

    Michelle -2 years ago

    Beautiful and motivational. Thank you. 

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Thanks so so much from the depth of my heart.

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  • M

    Menachem -3 years ago

    Incredible Shiur

    Hey Rabbi Y.Y.

    where did you get the nucleus of this Shiur? All your Shiurim are incredible. It would be awesome if you could post the sources.

    thanks so much!

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      It is from various sources. Thanks so so much!

      I usually post the sources in the source sheets.

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  • P

    Pinchas -4 years ago


    Dear, Dear, Rabbi Jacobson

    Thank you once again, for once again delivering the most inspiring, deep and insightful shiur exploring topics that really bother me and I suppose so many others. I really wish that you would make a series of shiurim explaining how we could unite the many מאמרי חז"ל that give so many different impressions, if G-D needs us or not? If you could also explain, how many of the greatest philosophers like the Rambam, despite their understanding that all languages of love etc. in the Torah are all לשבר את האוזן they still were deeply connected to Judaism and they said the same הבוחר בעמו ישראל באהבה? Or maybe their experience of these words were a different one?

    You mentioned in the shiur that all of the psalms had a song or symphony that accompanied them. And this is the meaning of “למנצח– the conductor” what is the source to this?

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Take a look at the introduction of the commentators on Tehilim, including the Malbim and others.

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  • B

    Binyomin -4 years ago

    First off I want to thank you for all of your amazing shiurim!!! You've changed my entire perspective on judaism. When you came to Dallas to speak, I was so excited, and you delivered big time. Thank you for taking the time afterward to speak to me and clear up a few questions that I had. I just gave a shiur based on 3 of your shiurim. The material was absolutely incredible!! In your shiur, singing in the abyss, when you are talking about the lesson that we learn from korachs sons, you mention the maggid from mudschitz. His pshat in the story of the goy who came to shamai and hillel and asked for the whole torah on one foot, he says that hillel was telling the man, that you have to do to others what was done to you. Just like someone had to go down for you to be here, so to you will also have to go down, you can't stay elevated forever. You mention in your speech that in order for a person who's soul is dormant to become inspired, someone has to fall, and in that souls attempt to climb back up, he stirs up other dormant souls around him. Then you mention the mashal of the lifeguard that has to go down to save someone from drowning. Which one is it?? Does it mean that someone has to lower himself artificially onto a lower persons level to inspire them, or that someone actually has to fall for real, and be on a lower level in order for someone else to grow?? If its the second way, I would love some clarity. Why does someone have to fall in order for someone else to grow??

    I can't thank you enough for all you do for me personally and klal yisrael. Keep up the amazing work, and Hashem should bless everything that you do!!
    Looking forward to hearing from you,

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      First of all, your words are so meaningful and inspiring, thank you, thank you!!

      Your feedback inspires me and my team so deeply.

      Yes, we try to lower ourselves and tune in, but sometimes we do fall, and we need to know there is meaning there too.

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  • B

    Baila -4 years ago

    This weeks shiur left me open mouthed...blown away... literally it was breathtaking...

    I cannot thank Rabbi Jacobson enough for opening my eyes to the beauty of finding Hashem in a dark alley... in your time of pain... in your time of struggle... what a Moshol - with the Ritz. I shared it with many.

    Also, the vort from the Maggie of Mezeritch, about the Ger and Shammai and Hillel was so magnificent, I was deeply touched. Wow.

    I’d like to share a message I received from my friend Tammy who has ALS, which she wrote with her eyes (I put it on a magnet) which really matches the explanation of Korach’s mistake.  That which he didn’t get, Tammy does. (I attached the photo)Korach's Mistake.

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      wow, wow, wow, thanks so so much for sharing this.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    I saw a teaching from reb Shlomo on this theme:

    It says ויקח קרח. Everybody knows that when the Torah uses the לשון of קיחה we are talking a little bit about business. קיחה קיחה משדי עפרון. We learn just like אברהם bought the field from עפרון for money, so also someone can marry a woman with money and so anyplace the Torah uses קח it’s talking about money, business. So קרח thought, I did so many mitzvos, I deserve so much reward, and since I’m the holiest man alive, I never did wrong, I deserve the highest Reward, the Kohen Gadol. You know , most of us play this game with HaShem. I want something or I need something, I make a deal with HaShem, I’ll do so many mitzvos, in return you’ll give me what I want .  It’s all beautiful but it’s Avoda Zara. I make a god to give me a car, a house ,?good health 

    So Korach figures the reason I don’t have that spot, the Kohen Gadol spot is because Aharon took it. You see, in the physical world, the reason I’m not President is because someone else took my spot. But if I knock him off, then I can take my spot. In the spiritual world things don’t work like that. Everyone is on his own ladder going up and down. Nobody takes your spot, nobody makes you go up or down. Korach thought others are taking his place so he has to knock them off. The earth which is the most humble and gives a place for everyone says, Korach if you don’t have place for others, I don’t have place for you. So the Earth opened up and he lost his place

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Amazing, thanks so so much. is this printed? 

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  • R

    Ruthy -4 years ago

    Thank you so much for your shiur on parshas korach. The ideas that you shared about how we are meant to connect to Hashem from wherever we are, not only in the kodesh kedoshim were very inspiring. I do have one painful question to pose. We educate our boys to strive to be kohanim gedolim regardless of their individual techunos hanefesh. To quote a young man who went to a very prestigious yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, the feeling in the air was that you weren’t worth the air you breathed if you didn’t go to kollel. This person today, who was one of the most Chashuv Bachurim in his day, today barely learns. His frumkeit is missing fire. There are so many broken people who feel like second class citizens if they aren’t in kollel. There are couples whose Shalom bayis suffers as a result of a husband not “measuring up” to the “ideal”. It seems to me that a part of them is getting burnt up with the ketores.  
    I am reminded of a comment made by a mechaneches I know....of course we neeed to teach our children that to be in kollel is the best, otherwise why should they do it?  I might venture to tell her, it’s not that it is the best, but it is that we love this the most.
    Why don’t we empower our children and ourselves to be honest about who we are and embrace the Neshamah and the tafkid that we have been given and be a mekor Bracha from there? What if instead of trying to align our children with our dreams, we took a good look at them and helped them connect to Hashem by being them. Not every brilliant mind is cut out to be a rosh yeshiva. But if the Bachur feel s bad for choosing a career, his frumkeit suffers and his potential to develop his own path to connection suffers.
    But nobody gives kavod to all the silent heros who embrace their matteh and make it blossom. And we push ppl to go into klei kodesh, and if it doesn’t work they can enjoy second place.
    I could go on and on with stories of so many ppl who have been burnt in this process. 
    Any thoughts?
    Thank you so much,

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Wow, so so true what you are writing. It is a serious challenge and problem, I agree with you.

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  • MZ

    Mendel Zilberberg -4 years ago

    Chassidus Al Regel Achas

    Thank you for this uplifting Shiur -

    The Parshah in the Torah generally thought to be about an attempted coup/power grab, about "who is the boss" and about Machlokes - turns out to be about unity, encouragment, dealing with challenge and adversity, emphasizing an idividual's ability to confront challenge while remaining an integral part of Klal Yiroel, how elitist thinking is misplaced, and how we can recognize greatness in others without it impacting negatively on self.  And above all, to always see the opportunity within the challenge. Thank you so much. 

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    • I

      isaac -4 years ago

      Indeed, this is what happens to all the parshas when they are exlored from the prisom of Chabad Chassidus. Take the previous portion, Shlach. We always look at the spies as some lowly horrible wicked people who just did not have emunah in Hashem and in Moshe. But in these classes we discover a much more nuanced insight: They were afraid that G-d will not be found in the physical demands of a life lived within nature, yet the entire purpose of creation is just that to make a Divine abode on earth, not in the clowds. Suddenly, a story from the past is our story today: How do we find G-d within our daily battles and challenges?

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  • R

    rivkah -4 years ago

    I am disturbed by an idea

    So after listening to todays Shiur, I was wandering...
    For someone who feels disconnected and maybe in a low dark place, are they suppose to feel better and surrender knowing that another Individual, someone they don’t know is being elevated on their behalf? And is this suppose to make it feel any better?
    On a cosmic level, that’s great but practically, how does that alleviate someone’s pain? Or is it not suppose to. We are just to accept it bc we don’t want to do to others what we don’t want done to ourselves? 
    This point just doesn’t sit comfortably with me. 

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      ​​First of all, thanks for coming. I hope you will come again! 
      We do not always know why people go through challenges, especially in this generation. The point is not as a rational or justification, but as a source of comfort: That one is never a victim of shabby circumstances, but always a "shliach," an ambassador of the Divine, to bring light into darkness and meaning into confusion, and turn my challenge into a springboard for awareness and growth, whatever that may look like for me.
      So the Maggid of Mezritch teaches us to take extra comfort in the knowledge that when we fight for our soul even in the abyss, when we connect to our spark even in that difficult space, we also ignite and sublimate many others who may be in a difficult moment.
      Sometimes, you are down, and suddenly you feel a sense of elevation -- it may come from the fact that you were just uplifted by a soul who went down and in his or her work brought you up, as all of our souls are deeply connected.

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      • T

        Tzivia -4 years ago

        Thank you for the clarity!

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Great question.

      I think the message is not to remain stuck, but that wherever I am in life, there is meaning and purpose, right here, right now. Yes, it may be challenging, and I need to work things through, but that itself is a mission, it should not cause me to despair but to ask myself what is my mission, right here, right now, in this situation, with these feelings, and these thoughts.

      And always do it with empathy.

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  • N

    Nechem -4 years ago

    Try Kindness

    The first 3 messages to the yiddin regarding the revolt of Korach were all violent or at least not kindness (the ketores was Hashem Turning to Aharon’s, and NOT turning to the rest of theirs, so there was rejection involved) ... and as such it was not sufficient to “convince” the yiddin of Ahron’s right to be kohen kadol, only the miracle of the sticks, which was not as “huge” a miracle of the the ground opening up, or even a plague, but represented Chesed that Hashem is capable of, via the birchas kohanim, giving from l’maala m’seder hishtalshelus, and that an skip Seder hishtalshelus, showed the yiddin a different side of the aibeshter.
    After the first few “petch” didn’t do the job, the divine hug in the way of the Almond on the maatos miracle, showed an unbelievable Chesed, that is what ultimately convinced the yiddin.
    And as a general message, it is a form of commincating when the slaps stop working, start hugging?
    The only problem with this idea is, it is Hashem who did the “slapping” before doing the hugging?
    Any validity to this, or is this just a very far fetched boich Svarah?

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  • M

    Massiel -4 years ago

    Shalom! Baruch Hashem! I just want to say Thank you! Toda Raba for all the messages and especially the message on Parshat Korach. I needed to listen to it, Hashem is always on time Thank you! thank you and be blessed! 

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Thanks so so much, that means the world to me.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    thanks man, aweome stuff.

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Thanks from the depth of my heart and soul.

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  • L

    Lynn -4 years ago

    Shiur this morning was beyond...

    Everyone felt that way.

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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      Thanks so much, your comment means so much to me and my team. G-d bless you.

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  • P

    Pini -4 years ago

    שלום לכבוד הרב 
    יום הולדת שמח עד 120 שנה בבריאות ונחת ושהשם ימלא כל משאלות לבכם לטובה אמן. 
    מיותר לציין שהשיעור היה מאוד מעודד ומאוד לעניין כמו תמיד , הלוואי שמישהו היה מתרגם את השיעור לעברית הייתי שולח את זה לארץ שיבינו מה זה באמת יהדות. 


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    • Anonymous -10 months ago

      מסתמא יודע כבודו שהקלטתי תוכן השיעור גם בלשון הקודש ונמצא על האתר שלנו בעברית.

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Women's Korach Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 2, 2019
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  • 29 Sivan 5779
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Dedicated by Helen Ross, in loving memory of her mother Frayda bas Yechiel Michel Hakohen, in honor of her Yartzeit 29 Sivan.

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