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No Intimacy Without Exclusivity

Likkutei Torah Bamidbar Maamar Vearastecha Li Leolam. Second and final class

1 hr 4 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Bamidbar Maamar Vearastecha Li Leolam. Second and final class. No Intimacy Without Exclusivity

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  • A

    Avraham -12 years ago

    Where can I find the music Mimkomo ? who is the singer ?


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  • Q

    Question -13 years ago

    Rabbi, I have a question regarding exclusivity.

    If someone was intimate with another, in a relationship prior to the marriage, what must one do as far as repentance in order to ensure complete exclusivity in a spiritual sense when they finally do commit to their spouse?

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: Exclusivity
      First of all don't panic. Second of all if you feel that it is interfering then you must speak to someone. This is as much a psychological issue as it is a ruchniyus one. Remember each of us has a different life and challange. Just as tha "Tzadik"'s life has advantages so does the "Baal Teshuva"'s. Overcoming this challenge which means creating renewed purity or loyalty is a great reward. Thisd of all if you never saw this as a problem until this class don't worry about it. If you chose to do something make it positive not negative- strengthening the bond you have rather than focus on the past.

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  • A

    Anon -13 years ago

    this class keeps getting better!

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  • M

    Meir -13 years ago

    thank you Rabbi Paltiel

    Thank you so much!! this really serves as an oasis of G-dliness in my week!

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  • C

    Chaim -13 years ago

    very beautiful maymor, unfortunately today we need to learn more about such topics of the meaning of loyalty to our marriages and loyalty to our jewish way of life.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • May 27, 2011
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  • 23 Iyyar 5771
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In loving memory of
HaRav Issac ben Reb Mordechai Eliyahu Schwei
For his Yartzeit, 26 Iyar

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