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The Laws of Cooking on Shabbos # 6

The Shabbos Meal -- Part I

52 min

Class Summary:

The Shabbos Meal -- Part I

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -11 years ago

    Gush in Kli shlishi
    Daniel, Thank you for your feedback and appreciation.

    About your question concerning a gush in kli 3:

    According to the A.R., it would be a kli shlishi for hilchos shabbos purposes.

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  • DG

    Daniel Ganjian -11 years ago

    Thank you
    Thank you for these great shiurim. It is obvious that you take a lot of time to prepare for these shiurim. Thank you. 

    Also, if a dvar gush goes into a kli shlishi, is it a shlishi now?

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  • J

    J.J. -11 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your shabbos table with us.

    Where is the l'chaim between fish & meat.....  ;)

    Thank you for all you do.

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  • M

    M.A. -11 years ago


    What is the situation if one serves a hot dessert, e.g., sticky date pudding or apple crumble  with ice-cream?

    How close can one put the ice-cream to the hot dessert?

    Thank you very much for your very informative shiurim.

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    • RLW

      Rabbi L. Wineberg -11 years ago

      Re: dessert
      According to the A.R.as understood by R. Farkash:

       put in the hot dessert first and you won't have a problem. (But then again, do you really want to make your apple crumble soggy by combining it in plate with ice cream? Even on a wednesday? (Maybe we need an advisory panel of "balebostes" on this site :) ))

      Thank you for your feedback.

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Levi Wineberg

  • May 10, 2013
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  • 1 Sivan 5773
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