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3 Stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

1) The Fold on the Page. 2) Thank You. 3) The Photo & the Painting. A presentation of music & inspiration at a children's rally.

1 hr

Class Summary:

3 Stories of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: 1) The Fold on the Page. 2) Thank You. 3) The Photo & the Painting. A presentation of music & inspiration at a children's rally.

Please leave your comment below!

  • YV

    Yossi Vardan -10 years ago

    Thank you
    Dear Rabbi, you are always a source of the great inspiration. Thank you for sharing with us your knowledge.

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  • A

    anon -10 years ago

    yashar koach
    I like how you speak to the children... it's less dramatic than how you speak to adults but I actually enjoyed it more!!!

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  • R

    Rebecca -10 years ago

    I enjoyed watching/listening to this rally.  Ko lechoi for many many more years!

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  • A

    anonymoous -11 years ago

    fold on the page
    Is the story of the "fold on the page" written up?

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  • JS

    Jacob sizter -11 years ago

    Please verify
    I would love to know more about this story with the Israeli solder but cant find anything about him on the web only this story.


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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 11, 2013
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  • 3 Tamuz 5773
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Dedicated by Robyn and Josh Goldhirsch

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