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To Stand Up for the Jewish People

Evening of Music & Inspiration Commemorating the 16th Yartzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

1 hr 56 min

Class Summary:

Farbrengen Live, on 3 Tamuz 5770/2010. An evening of music & inspiration commemorating the 16th yartzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

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  • R

    Rus -13 years ago

    Is there another recording shich can be utilized to replace the sound track during the Weisel story? Either way it would be god to resinc the audio and video after that point as they are close to a minute and a half apart.
    Hatzlacha Rabba

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  • K

    Kayo -14 years ago

    Your voice
    Baruch HaShem,

    Todah Rabah for representing us.

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  • J

    JR -14 years ago

    You probably won't post this since you only want to post laudatory comments. There were three topics in the farbrengen: 1) Israel 2) Likutei Torah on parshas Chukas - look upward 3) unity, parable of animals and canary. Whether one is marking the Rebbe's yartzeit or the ischalta d'Geula (as the Rebbe referred to Gimmel Tammuz), I was surprised and disappointed that this farbrengen did not focus on the Rebbe except in a most peripheral way. Nor did it focus on the Rebbe's message of preparing for Moshiach which he said (Chaya Sara 5752) is the only avoda now.

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  • Y

    Yehudis -14 years ago

    If the Rebbe is gone, as you say, (like the Beis Ha'Mikdash is destroyed) then what does it mean when in Chassidus it says that there must be a person in a guf gashmi who is the neshama klalis, someone who is the brain/heart of us all? Who is that person?

    And another question I have - the Rebbe said he's the seventh and all sevenths are beloved and in the seventh generation (of Chabad Rebbeim) we would bring the Shechina down to earth. So what happened to that?

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  • I

    Itouch -14 years ago

    Does anyone how I can play this on my iPod. The iPod doesn't support flash and when I try to play the mp3 it tells me the server is not configured corectly. Thank you

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 14, 2010
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  • 2 Tamuz 5770
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Dedicated by: David & Eda SchottensteinThe Althaus Family, Sam, Stern & Family

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