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Does G-d Really Care About What I Do?

The Process of G-d’s Engagement with the Universe. Studying Torah Or Vayeira Maamar Eirda Na

1 hr 3 min

Class Summary:

Does G-d Really Care About What I Do?- The Process of G-d’s Engagement with the Universe. Studying Torah Or Vayeira Maamar Eirda Na

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  • SA

    Simcha Azulay -10 years ago

    thank you!
    Thank you ,Rabbi Paltiel for teaching this Maamar in such a  clear way.

    I give a shiur after davening on shabbos in my shul and explained many points and thoughts to the women in my community.

    It s truly amazing how applicable and relevant these ideas are to our everyday lives and especialy to our relationship to Hashem.

    I look forward to learning more !

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  • T

    Tzemach -11 years ago

    who is this Rabbi Babad? is this story found in chabad books? 

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: Babad
      I Davened for about a decade at the Shul across from the Police station called Beis Dovid Gershon. The Rabbi (a decendant of many Chassidc greats, but not a Lubavitcher) Rabbi Rubin Shlita (may he have a quick and complete Refua Shleima) told me numerous stories and this was among them . I don't know his source.

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  • C

    Chaya -12 years ago

    Beautifuly taught (as all your classes are). It makes one wonder how people can live without chassidus....

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  • S

    SMR -13 years ago

    in learning the maamer Al kein from yud gimmel. haman treid to be like the Koihen gadoil on yoim kippur in the avoidah of GOIRAL. the Rebbe explains the Madreigah of Goiral, KASHOICHA KOIRA, and how from there haman reasoned he could be goiver rachmono litzlan on the yidden. haloi och esov leyaakoiv, Yet he did not know the second half of the posuk of Vees yaakoiv ohavti vees eisov soneisi. ( intesant how he knew half pesukim also when it came to ador). last year i treid to explain this maamor to a yid and he told me he could not relate to it. i guess the idea of Oir and choisech the same level. and even more the idea that haman could be involved to reach madreigas that a koihen godoil reaches on yoim kippur is somthing that evaded his yeshiva training. maybe the way to explain it is exactly what this speaker was saying. that he could be a authority on judaism without knowing the toirah. haman knew the fact that G-D is infinite, Yoidea es Riboinoi, therfore why is so imprtant to be very exact in serving him. why does a yid need to look into the toirah to find out how to serve G-D because since G-D is infinite EVERYTHING GOES, light, dark, good, not good, its all in this lala land of GOIREL where everything is equal and there is no superiority of anything over the other. haman was a comservative reform rabi and he preached what they are saying today. when they bowed doen to avoidah zoro because they were doing it externally they reassoned that the big G-D will survive even when they bow down. modern day argument in the kosher arena. why does shchita have to be like shulchan aruch and KOSHER means SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE. the answer is UMORDECHAI LOI YICHRA VELOI YISHTACHAVE because TOIRAH is ONOICHI that there is bechira and BOICHER BEYISROEL AND BOICEHR DAVKA BETOIRAH UMITZVOIS VECHU. TOIMECH GOIRALI.

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  • TG

    tzipi glick -13 years ago

    Future of Judaism
    You are so right in this essay. I am extremely familiar with Conservative Judaism, having been a strong conservative Jew. But I was always looking for more. The youth there is for th emost part turned off to Yiddishkeit because they are never given Yiddiskeit.
    Check out the frum shuls which are packed with young people excited about their Judiasm.
    Thank you for this site. I agree with first comment- wish i had time to listen to and study all of the classes.
    May hash-m give you strength and resources to continue.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • October 19, 2010
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  • 11 Cheshvan 5771
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Dedicated by "THE CHANIN FUND" In honor of the birthday of Reb Zalman Chanin> May G-d give him strength to continue his work in good health, wealth, and happiness with much Nachas from his family.

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