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Confronting The Darkness Through Torah Study

Studying the book of Torah Or Maamar Vayetzei Yitzchak -- The Mystical Meaning of Isaac Going Out to the Field

59 min

Class Summary:

Confronting The Darkness Through Torah Study. Torah Or Maamar Vayetzei Yitzchak -- The Mystical Meaning of Isaac Going Out to the Field

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  • A

    av -3 years ago

    is there a download option?

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  • D

    dan -13 years ago

    Jews need to unite
    I am printing this great article, studying it thoroughly and keeping copies on me to distribute to my liberal friends who constantly blame Israel as occupiers. The biggest problem we have is a lack of unity among ourselves, Muslims and Christians are reminders for us to unite.

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  • R

    Rob -13 years ago

    I thought Israel was ours until I finished your article
    You wrote:

    Israel must state clearly that "Until the culture and education of the entire Palestinian population does not change, there will be no more negotiations on even a single inch of the land of Israel.

    If G-d gave the Land of Israel to us, how can any Jew even say that they will negotiate it - even under certain conditions?

    I don't understand where you're coming from, unless you think Eretz Yisrael isn't holy right now for some reason.

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  • L

    leah -13 years ago

    Thank you so very much for this clear and honest article. With your permission I would use it in my own arguments with ignorant people. Thanks again for all your work and teaching.

    Leah Esther

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  • T

    tamar -13 years ago

    same mistake

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson,

    Your essay on Obama and the 1967 Borders is well-written and informative yet makes the same mistake in its concluding statement that so many others always make: You wrote, "Israel must state clearly that until the culture and education of the entire Palestinian population does not change, there will be no more negotiations on even a single inch of the land of Israel---obviously you meant to write changes rather than does not change.

    Where does it say in Torah and where did the Rebbe ever say or write that if they change, then we'll negotiate?! The Rebbe stated clearly that no individual or group has the power or right to cede any part of Eretz Yisroel to Goyim.

    What will happen should the Arabs ever agree to Israel's request to recognize its right to exist? What if they smarten up and lay down their guns for a while--won't the rest of the Umos HaOlam then demand that Israel cede its territory in light of the other side's concessions. Yes, I know the Rebbe also said the Arabs will never do it, still our responsibility is to clearly and authentically articulate the Rebbe's vision for Shleimos HaAretz. This is equally, if not more so, important for our fellow Jews to hear the emes and not some touch/feeling ideas.

    And, by the way, there is no Palestinian population--they are Arabs, plain and simple.

    Best Wishes,

    Mrs. Tamar Adelstein

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Yossi Paltiel

  • January 15, 2014
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  • 14 Sh'vat 5774
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Dedicated in honor of Mushka Chanin birthday May she enjoy a year of success and give nachas to her parents and family Sponsored by Mendy and Chanie Chanin

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