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The Chassidic Approach to the Study of Torah and Education of Children

Stories about the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Ber Schnueersohn, in honor of his 150th birthday, 20 Cheshvan 1860-2010

42 min

Class Summary:

The Chassidic Approach to the Study of Torah and Education of Children- Stories about the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom Ber Schnueersohn, in honor of his 150th birthday, 20 Cheshvan 1860-2010

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  • MW

    Melody Wright -12 years ago

    Sacrificing the mission for love
    This is the first time I have visited this site. I found this very insightful. I look forward to the time I can recieve your wisdom again. Thank you very much, Macon Georgia

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  • RF

    Reuven Frank -13 years ago

    Articla & Question
    Great article, and the notes are wpnderful!

    I LOVE the Psishcher's /P'shat/ on /Mikneh Rav/

    A question that always bothered me wqas where did the /Hetzi Shayvet Menashe/ come in.

    This year someone told me: "...to watch over the other two."

    According to that answer (Teh-rootz), :

    "How does this D'var Tora fit?"

    Thanks again for a gecaltig article.

    I love this Tora so much, that I regret all the times when I don't have time to read them.

    I have them all saved for a time when I will have more leisure.

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  • NG

    nicole Green -13 years ago

    Mtos commentary by YY Jacobson
    thank you for your inspiring words, always, they will prompt me to look into the Shem MiShmuel, since your notes point to his commentary. However, while I understand the " sub-plot " that the tribes of Gad and Reuven wanted to remain close to Moshe in the eatern territory, I do not understand how Moshe, who valued the spiritual germination of his values, down the line of history, would actually praise Gad for wanting territory near his burial place.Can you please explain that ? many thanks and yasher koach again for a magnificient lecture/farbrengen @ the sinai indaba in Cape Town , South africa on "Jewish identity " !!!

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  • DNY

    Dovid nishmas yisroel -13 years ago

    how do we apply...?
    1. thank you for deeply moving idea- the notes are gavaldik

    2. how would this apply to shluchim be'orei hasodeh after 120?

    3. once upon a time, when rabbi YYJ had more time, he would have added a thoughtful intro and inserted a moving story, chaval...

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  • T

    Tzemach -13 years ago

    Rabbi Hildeshaim
    to Rabbi Hildeshaim shlita, your words are very inspiring and encouraging, but if this is a Farbrengen then next time please loosen up a bit, you don't need to be so serious, you can say a bit Lchaim, and loosen up the tie.

    Please come back and Farbreng with us sooner then later, next month is a month of Farbrengen's, we'd love to have you, and next time please give us more then 45 min, maybe a song or two in the middle, thnaks.

    and Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for making this web site so much more colorful, with adding more rabbi's more content, and for making this web site the place to be.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • October 28, 2010
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  • 20 Cheshvan 5771
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