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Opposites Attract -- The Dynamics of Abraham and Isaac

Torah Or Maamar Eileh Toldos Yitzchok--The Spiritual Symbolism Behind the Binding of Isaac

1 hr 4 min

Class Summary:

Opposites Attract -- The Dynamics of Abraham and Isaac- Torah Or Maamar Eileh Toldos Yitzchok--The Spiritual Symbolism Behind the Binding of Isaac

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  • B

    bourchn -8 years ago

    Wonderful! Perhaps the mike could be closer to the speaker? Todah

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  • M

    moshe -12 years ago

    Beautiful just next time please, a little longer. I really like your articles

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  • MP

    mrs pershin -13 years ago

    question-truth is also by Yakov little bit confusing in context to understanding where you used the word truth with Yitzchak . Therefore what is the difference with truth of Yitchzak to the truth of Yakov thank you very much for well done mrs pershin oak park michigan

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  • RS

    Rochi Shemtov -13 years ago

    Thank you very much.

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  • N

    Nachum -13 years ago

    Reb Yekutiel
    The story of Reb Yekutiel is a remarkable story, it brings out the point the Rebbe is trying to bring out in the Maamar

    I never knew that Reb Yekutiel was only a chassidus scholar, and was simple in the other parts of torah.

    Thanks for the lecture

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Yossi Paltiel

  • November 2, 2010
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  • 25 Cheshvan 5771
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Dedicated by "THE CHANIN FUND" In honor of the birthdays of Yocheved Leah Chanin, Mushka Chanin Chanie Chanin, Rivka Chanin , Menachem Menel Goldfarb

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