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What To Do About the Terror In Israel? A New Approach

What Is the Cause of This Bloodshed?

1 hr 17 min

The Fogel family, murdered in their home in Itamar on Friday night, March 11, 2011

Class Summary:

This lecture was presented at the University of Vermont, on November 11, 2010, to "Building Bridges," a Christian and Jewish group supporting Israel. What To Do About the Terror In Israel? A New Approach. Parents and three children of the Fogel family were murdered Friday Night in their home in the town of Itamar. What is the cause of this bloodshed? What's in the mind of man who slits the throat of a 3-month old baby?

Please leave your comment below!

  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    How do you justify theft ?

    How do you justify that the jewish people forced it's way into the land from which G-d himself chased them away untill further notice ?

    Who allowed zionism to deny the fact that that the jewish people is still in gallus ?


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    • Anonymous -6 years ago

      Please think about my following words with an open, truthful mind.
      Let's say your child is playing by the open window. You tell him, please go away, it is too dangerous. He does not listen. And heaven forbid falls out the window. Do you run down and take him to the hospital and save his life, or do you ignore him because he misbehaved?
      There are millions of Jews living in Eretz Yisroel. They are surrounded by enemies who wish their destruction rachmana litzlan. Should they be protected? If we do not protect them, c"v the enemy will come in and murder our brothers and sisters heaven forbid. When we give territory to them, it brings them closer to our homes and streets and they use that new space to send suicide bombers and missiles. So what do you think Hashem wants the Jewish people to do?   

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    • Anonymous -2 years ago

      You are talking thro your hat

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  • JD

    John Dittmann -7 years ago

    If you want to stop the terror against Israel, you must stop committing acts of terror against the Palestinian people

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    • J

      J -3 years ago

      😅😅😅Good joke 

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    • Anonymous -9 months ago

      Take a vacation in Ramallah!

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  • G

    GUSTAVO -11 years ago

    Es increible, en un mundo tan egoceéntrico como el que vivimos, esta reflexión es como una llamita de una vela en la oscuridad absoluita.

    Hay una fuerza más allá de nosotros que nos guía hacia adelante, a diferencia del egocentrismo que nos tira hacia abajo.

    Lo acabo de imprimir para leer en una mesa de amigos mañana por la noche.

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  • S

    Susana -11 years ago

    Muy buen articulo! nos deja reflexionando.

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  • SE(

    Sarah Esther (Israel) -13 years ago

    Diaspora Jews need to do more than make good speeches
    Eretz Israel: A precious gift to the Jewish people that you wonderful Rabbi don't yourself even appreciate. Why don't you show YOUR love of the land and MOVE TO ISRAEL? The truth is, that the only reason Israel will probably be forced to give the "palestinians" half of Israel is because millions of diaspora Jews with birthrights to the land didn't want it. It's a nice place to talk about but it is just too much trouble for you all to come live here. Bibi et al can/will not hold it for you until you get around it. If you all want it. If you want to keep the land for US, please, I beg you, COME NOW. There isn't much time left and we will have noone to blame but ourselves.

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    • R

      Ruben -13 years ago

      Re: Diaspora Jews need to do more than make good speeches
      Unfortunately, Sarah Esther is absolutely right. The terrorists are bad people and many in the world hate us but at the end of the day the real problem is us. Lip service by rhetorically correct diaspora Jews won't save Israel from becoming Palistan, but millions of Jews willing to put their feet where their mouth is and move to Israel just might! It would also stop the Arabs and the rest of the world from laughing at us because they would see that we take our rights and heritage seriously. An Arab once said to me (and he was absolutely correct): "If you Jews just acted like you believed your G-d and owned this land we Arabs would back right down. The Arabs know who we are; they respect us when we do what we are supposed to do. People like Obama would too... but first we have to say (shout if necessary) loud and clear: THIS IS OUR LAND! IT WAS GIVEN TO US BY THE ALMIGHTY IN AN ETERNAL COVENANT FOR HIS HOLY PURPOSE. The settlements are NOT ILLEGAL. HERE IS OUR DEED TO THE LAND, and (most important) YES OF COURSE I WANT TO LIVE THERE.... The whole argument depends on US BELIEVING THIS AND DOING OUR PART OF THE COVENANT.

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      • M

        Michale -13 years ago

        Re: Diaspora Jews need to do more than make good speeches
        Ruben and Sarah, you are both right, partially. Rabbi Jacobson and a lot of other Rabbis do their destiny to be with Jews whatever they are, provide them with guidance, teach the Torah. This is so important job you can’t imagine. Prepare Jews for coming Mashiach Era is not less, maybe more important job that to come to Israel. One Rabbi told me that when all his shul’s members will move to Israel he will move too. To leave Jews without their support will be “death” signature for those who been left behind in Diaspora. Some Rabbis have moved here, in Israel, already. Others are in process. But they can’t move all. I believe that everything is Hashem’s plan. If you believe in this too, that you will trust to what this Rabbi is doing. He is great scholar and gives us his knowledge that he receives from Above Spiritual World. Everyone Jew, alive or died, will come to Israel ON TIME. I think as you that time for Jews in Diaspora is now. But not everyone agrees with us and not everyone can see the situation. Do you remember how many Jews left Egypt? Only 20%, the rest died there. Torah told us that all history that happened with our forefathers will happen with us. We all wait for Mashiach to come now.

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Lecture, University of Vermont

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 14, 2011
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  • 8 Adar II 5771
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