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Wine, Dine, Recline -- Talmud for Beginners

Class 2 of 5 in Talmud Tractate Pesachim Chapter 10, 108a

58 min

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Wine, Dine, Recline -- Talmud for Beginners- Class 2 of 5 in Talmud Tractate Pesachim Chapter 10, 108a

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  • EJ

    Eddy Jahja -11 years ago

    Israel's Greatest Mistake
    To Rabbi and Commentators,

    After the second WW the Allies have a good reason for what happened with the Jews in Europe, that Israel has to set up their own country.  The Allies just like Hitler, they want in fact to get rid of the Jews from their own countries and created this solution to let the Jews fight against the Arabs, for decades.  The Asien countries consider that  the occupation of Palestine by Israel, is a colonial action and such things should be vanished. But Israel do not care so much as long as they get support from the  Allies until today. This is Israel's Greatest Mistake, because they walked into the trap, while the Allies (Identically with Christians) enjoy to watch Israel and the Arabs are killing each other. 


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  • ACJ

    a concerned jew -11 years ago

    is rabbi jacobson right?
    It would seem like a no-brainer, after all isn't that what any normal country would do? and so I was crying this logic for years, but looking back, the Israeli government doesn't get it. 

    It doesn't look like the Israeli government is just going to get up one day and stand for itself. This problem must be dealt with by the entire Jewish nation. 

    What does a Jew in America have to do with Israel's security you ask? 

    The Jewish nation is like a human body. Many different limbs all connected as one living organism. And that is where the core of the problem lay. 

    After world war 2, and after all of the suffering the Jewish nation was quite close to being ripe for redemption. The great Rabbi's of the time announced to the Jewish nation to do Teshuvah -- Return to

    G-d --- and Moshiach will come immediately. And urged them not to put their hopes in a secular Jewish leadership.

    Unfortunately, almost the entire Jewish nation embraced this hope of a Jewish state, and felt that now Jews would be safe, they focused all their energy's and beliefs in this direction. 

    What happened as a result was, to put it in the words of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe: G-d gave the Jewish people a candy -- to see whether they were serious about getting Moshiach; or they would just settle for something small -- we know what they chose. In recent years we are seeing how sweet this candy can be. 

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  • A

    Alex -11 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi! That is true

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  • R

    RuReady -11 years ago

    Use of the word "occupy"
    There is a danger in using the enemy's word "occupy" even in quotes.  Also "reoccupy" Gaza.

    The government of Eretz Yisroel is the only government maybe in the history of the world (I'm not a history buff, I'm sure some readers are and may correct me) that gave up land that belonged to them before a war and then reconquered and then went to try to give it back.??????????????????? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is what Rabbi Jacobson is saying so clearly.

    Eretz Yisroel needs to do what is "necessary"  as in 1948 - taking over what belongs to the country,  Just as in 1948 the Arabs LEFT and FLED to other places in the MIddle East - they have many 'friends' who support them throughout the Middle East.  If they can' take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    Also, if you look at the "reasons" behind the conflict from 3 points of view : Muslim - jihad/holy war

    Christian support for Israel - religious mandate - why are the Jews in charge of Eretz Yisroel not pointing to the Torah - and not plans from Germany to prove they killed Jews - to explain our claim to Eretz Yisroel.

    There is saying that I have heard attributed to the Previous Rebbe, "When Gd was left out of the Declaration of Indpendence of "Medinat Yisroel" - the Jews accepted a lollipop instead of Moshiach."  

    We are not living in Eretz Yisroel because the UN voted to create a state, or because of the Shoa, or because of our great military.  Yes, it was time......Gd created the confluence of events.  He just needs to be thanked and acknowledge by Jews.  It's not a 'small world' (coincidence) when things work out for the good for Jews. It's a Gdly world.

    When Jews can point to the Torah it does not equalize us with other religions and make us into fanatics - it attributes our claim to Eretz Yisroel to our ancient loyalty carried into the present.  Our ancient loyalty carried into the present is to Gd and Torah.  Let's state who we are - then Gd is included in all our negotiations and discussions.  

    Why not try it....everyone from the left that I talk to in SF says peace - read Neighborhood Bully.

    Thanks very much for the reminder post of the song.

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  • D

    David -11 years ago

    my article

    Plz see my new article on Israel. Hope u can use it. Kol tov! Laz

    Crybabies in the Middle East

    By Dr. David Lazerson

    During my teaching years in the Buffalo public school system, I once witnessed a pretty crazy event on our school’s playground area.

    There was this one student who was always walking around pushing people, hitting them hard on the back, punching other students when they weren’t looking, and in general made few friends to speak of. People tried to ignore this wild kid who, to put it bluntly, had some “issues.” The other students were counseled to not over-react. This one time, however, he slammed another student in the arm that promptly turned around and decked the offender with a solid right hook. To my amazement, this 8th grader then picked himself up and ran crying to the office that so-and-so had the audacity to punch him out. He told the principal that he was hurt both physically and emotionally, and that, in fact, the other student had caused the entire ruckus. The principal, however, knew the student quite well and simply smiled and said; “How do you like it now that you’ve gotten a taste of your own medicine!” Mr. Macho had suddenly turned into Mr. Cry Baby.

    This above episode reminds me of the most recent reactions from Hamas after Israel’s long overdue response in Gaza. Israel finally decided that it had had enough of the hits from behind – the more than 100 rockets launched deliberately into Israel’s civilian areas in a four-day period. Not to mention all the other rocket launches and terrorist attacks stemming from Gaza during the past several years since Israel gave them this piece of real estate in the name of peace. That blunder has simply brought the terrorists that much closer to mainstream civilian centers in Israel. Unfortunately, while Israel had good intentions in leaving Gaza, the recipients had other thoughts in mind. Israel was hoping that the citizens of Gaza would join together to build up their society with infrastructure such as roads, schools, hospitals, etc. Instead their “leadership” has chosen to focus on using lots of world financial assistance to accumulate al sorts of lovely weapons, such as long-range missiles. Hamas issued a statement that Israel’s recent actions od self-defense had “opened the gates of Hell.” No, Hamas. You chose that route a long time ago. It was you, Hamas, that opened these gates of violence and misery. Now you’re simply getting a taste of your own medicine. Hamas also dramatically labeled Israel’s response as a “call to war” - as if Hamas’s previous actions of bombings, missile launchings, and terrorist attacks had absolutely nothing to do with it! It would make a good scene from a Monty Python flic but Hamas’s cry of innocence and victimization ring hollow indeed.

    Interesting that there were no emergency UN meetings during Hamas’s recent bombardment of Israel population centers. The media, for the most part, was relatively quiet. But when Israel finally struck back, now we can be fairly sure that the UN will hold counsel. How dare the Israelis fight back? What utter chutzpah that they don’t allow themselves to be hit and killed so easily! Someone once described this conflict as follows: If the Arabs would put down their weapons, there would be peace. If Israel puts down her weapons, there’d be a massacre.

    In the above-mentioned playground incident, the pain-in-backside bully was decked out one more time, and then he finally learned to behave like a civilized human being with others. With a political and religious system that preaches open racism and hatred for Jews and other “Non-Moslem infidels,” I’m afraid it might take several knockout punches to do the same to Hamas. We can only hope that Israel has the resolve to stand up to the bigotry and bias of the UN and most of the world’s hypocritical media, and take care of business this time around. Time for that knockout punch.

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Eliezer Wolf

  • March 18, 2011
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  • 12 Adar II 5771
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