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A Tale of Two Brides: In Approaching G-d Integrity Matters Above All

Likkutei Torah Bamidbar Maamar Vearastecha Li Leolam

1 hr 14 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Bamidbar Maamar Vearastecha Li Leolam

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  • S

    Shayna -13 years ago

    Thank you!
    Thank you for providing an incredible opportunity for me to delve into the text of the Maamor. The stories and anecdotes make the shiur all the more interesting.

    I look forward to the upcoming shiurim.

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  • KT

    Kayo, Tokyo -13 years ago

    Question - attitude

    Dear Rabbi Paltiel:

    I realized that when I daven, I am not talking to HaShem, but telling to myself Who HaShem is. It is like reminding myself about the greatness of HaShem. Is this correct attitude?

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    • RP

      Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: Question - attitude
      This is certainly most appropriate before Davening. Perhaps if youy spent some time thinking these wonderfull thoughts before you actually start the Recitation of words, you will have brought yourself into the mental space to talk to Him.

      Davening is both very important and meaningfull but we must give it time- consistantly!

      Try after some meditation to talk to Hashem as you would to your father with no more or less drama or expression. Be at peace. Don't try to feel(the feelings will follow) just talk to Him. It is very simple, (but not simplistic) real and usefull. Davening is not only about getting what we need, but connecting. Hatzlacha. Thank you for the very honest comment.

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  • Y

    yitzchak -13 years ago

    constructive idea
    first i want to thank you for the informative shiur.the only thing is the itroduction is little too long if you can make it shortly and get into the maamar itself then explain it will be much better.just a thuoght.

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    • RP

      Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: constructive idea
      I got your message. This depends on various factors. There are also different opinions about this. I'll take your comment into account.

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  • RR

    Richard Raff -13 years ago

    The Cedars Trees
    Rabbi you have done a good mitzvah for being the truth of Hashem and the words of His commandments. This can be compared to the root system of the cedar trees that hold onto the ground and the stones for a anchor of support. Also the long living and pure strength of the tree and being able to allow space for other smaller trees to grow. The cedar trees provide protection like the courtyard of Hahsem sanctuary,so we may toil in Torah and the love Hashem. My hopes are for good reasons to Thank Hashem but also to thank our forefathers. Weather we are young and beautiful or old and not so beautiful we all start at the first pole and continue to become the second pole so Hashem may help us with our questions. Baruch Hashem and Shalom YIsrael.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • May 20, 2011
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  • 16 Iyyar 5771
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