Yossi Paltiel
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In loving memory of HaRav Issac ben Reb Mordechai Eliyahu Schwei
For his Yartzeit, 26 Iyar
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Yossi Paltiel
Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In loving memory of HaRav Issac ben Reb Mordechai Eliyahu Schwei
For his Yartzeit, 26 Iyar
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Avraham -12 years ago
Where can I find the music Mimkomo ? who is the singer ?
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Question -13 years ago
Rabbi, I have a question regarding exclusivity.
If someone was intimate with another, in a relationship prior to the marriage, what must one do as far as repentance in order to ensure complete exclusivity in a spiritual sense when they finally do commit to their spouse?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Exclusivity
First of all don't panic. Second of all if you feel that it is interfering then you must speak to someone. This is as much a psychological issue as it is a ruchniyus one. Remember each of us has a different life and challange. Just as tha "Tzadik"'s life has advantages so does the "Baal Teshuva"'s. Overcoming this challenge which means creating renewed purity or loyalty is a great reward. Thisd of all if you never saw this as a problem until this class don't worry about it. If you chose to do something make it positive not negative- strengthening the bond you have rather than focus on the past.
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Anon -13 years ago
this class keeps getting better!
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Meir -13 years ago
thank you Rabbi Paltiel
Thank you so much!! this really serves as an oasis of G-dliness in my week!
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Chaim -13 years ago
very beautiful maymor, unfortunately today we need to learn more about such topics of the meaning of loyalty to our marriages and loyalty to our jewish way of life.
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Shimon Chyrek -13 years ago
Kedushin KeDaas Moshe
Dear Rabbi,
To support what you said, the words used for Kidushin are "Harey At...Kedaas Moshe..." In the Code of Jewish Law, the Laws of Marriage chapter 115, Law-1 Rabbi Yosef Karo explains examples of things included in Daas Moshe. These examples common denominator seems to be - boundaries that create a solid foundation (Yisod) of safety and trust.
Included in Daas Moshe is Daas Yehudis which are things that Jewish Women took upon themselves to strengthen that foundation of safety commitment, respect and trust.
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Chaim -13 years ago
Even in the intimate marriage there are boundaries, taharas hamishpach. Wondering how that plays out when Moshiach comes?
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Rabbi Yossi Paltiel -13 years ago
Re: Boundaries
When Moshiach comes we will continue to practice all 613 Mitzvos including Tuma and Tahara. See Igeres Hakodesh 26 where this is made plainly clear. see the sources referenced there.
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Chaim -13 years ago
Re: Boundaries
i meant as in the relationship between Hashem and the Yidden...
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Boundaries
When Moshiach comes our relationship with Hashem will also have bounderies. The idea is that Chassidus (see 5666 at length) Lo Sa'ase' is now a shmira against no good. Liasid Lo Saase' will be a Keli for lights that are only available bderech shlila. Like Tefillas Arvis Reshus- higher than Chova. So the limits will allow us to reach what can only be reached indirectly.
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Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago
Re: Boundaries
If I understand it correctly there will always be mechitzos: kodesh Kadashim vs. Kodesh etc. (10 levels in Eretz Yisroel alone! As mentioned in Rambam Hil. Beis HaBechira). Perhaps there's the Mimalei and Sovev idea: On the Mimalei level there are divisions while Sovev has no limitations. Our ability Liasid to internalize Sovev is through [our personal] Mimalei.
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