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The Snake On the Pole: Redefining Crisis As Opportunity

Likkutei Torah Chukas Maamare Vayaas Moshe Nachash Nechoshes

1 hr 1 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Chukas Maamare Vayaas Moshe Nachash Nechoshes

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  • RP

    Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

    answer to "please make clear.
    "please make clear.The language "serving the higher Nachash" is unsettling. We serve only Hashem. The idea is that what happens down here has a positive shoresh (source) on high and that up there it is good and usefull.

    So much of how we deal with our troubles [or as the Rebbe would insist: challanges] is attitude. The message of this Maamar is to never believe that whar happens is out of control, random, or useless. This is as, we all know, very difficult for some of us some times. But it is the only effective practical way to deal with and overcome these hardships. May we all know challange only from books and not from experience. God bless you.

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    • Q

      Question -13 years ago

      Re: answer to "please make clear.
      Thank you! I really appreciate your classes and your insight. However i still don't understand 2 things

      1) I understand that we dont "serve the Higher nachash" because we only serve Hashem,What I was confused about was what would we confuse that with now in our lives? Because from what I understood you said that the yidden made it into avodah zarah what would be the avodah zara now for us that we would confuse?

      2) once we recognize that the source of the negative is really high good things what do we do then? is it just our attitude?

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      • A

        Anonymous -13 years ago

        Re: answer to "please make clear.
        Rabbi Paltiel answered: (posted above)

        "The Nachash in the modern time is money, gashmiyus, that is a keli for Hashem's revelation ,but ewe must be carefull that we not end up "worshiping" it. 2) Yes it is attitude that changes. A new attitude however changes the reality as practical well."

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  • Q

    Question -13 years ago

    please make clear
    1) How would someone serve the higher Nachash itself nowadays?

    2) How do we heal a challenge practically in our lives? through davening? or just by realizing its source is good will elevate it? how does that elevate it itself just from the knowlege alone?

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    • RP

      Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: please make clear
      I sent the answer mistakenly as a cooment. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

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    • RYP

      Rabbi Yossi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: please make clear
      The Nachash in the modern time is money, gashmiyus, that is a keli for Hashem's revelation ,but ewe must be carefull that we not end up "worshiping" it. 2) Yes it is attitude that changes. A new attitude however changes the reality as practical well.

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  • N

    nechama -13 years ago

    technical question...sorry....
    is there any way to pause using a mac?

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: technical question...sorry....
      Try downloading a browser other than Safari. I think Firefox for Mac will work. Let us know.

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    • N

      nechama -13 years ago

      Re: technical question...sorry....
      thanks so much! I really appreciate your getting back to me - that worked and it makes my listening a reality now (kids make disruptions well...you know...)- I think this is the very best place to learn Torah where you literally feel compelled to inspire others. May you go from strength to strength!

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  • Y

    yitzchok -13 years ago

    2 problems
    1)why is it only Nachum Ish Gam Zu the only one who can make the reality good below? Why can't any other tzadikim? and if other tzadikim cannot, what chance do we have to make our negative situations better by learning this idea, its nice to know this mamaar but kind of depressing if that is the case. 2)In addition surely its a bit of a contradiction when ANY Jew could look at the snake and become healed (i.e. the good revealed below) because they are realizing the source of the negative situation?

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    • RP

      Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: 2 problems
      The ability to see G-d in the world is greater when our Emuna is greater. The Avoda of Nachum Ish Gam Zu was this, other Tzaddikim havwe different Avodas. The simple difference is their level, the deeper idea is that anyone who raises himself can change teva. The Rebbe's insistance "Tracht Gut Vet Zaijh Gut" wasn't said fore the Nachum Ish Gam Zu's of the world.

      So, there's klal uprat. For some people this is the must for others it's a choice.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • June 28, 2011
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  • 26 Sivan 5771
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND in the loving memory of the grandmother of "THE CHANIN FUND" Chaya Leah Bas R' Shmuel a"h hy"d Chanin For her Yartzeit, 27th of Sivan, 5757

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