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To See Yourself as the Blue Sky, Not as the Black Cloud

Reestablishing Torah as the Supreme Value in Our Lives

22 min

Class Summary:

On 27 Adar 5775, March 18, 2015, Rabbi YY Jacobson addressed Chabad Chassidim at 770 Eastern Parkway, broadcast to communities the world over. The address called on the audience to realize their true inner beauty, to see themselves as the blue sky, not as the black clouds, and to reestablish Torah as the supreme value in our lives.


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  • T

    Terry -6 years ago

    To see yourself as the blue sky, not as the black cloud

    Rabbi Jacobson, i pray that the energy of the powerful words that you shared two years ago is  still influencing our community for i can think of no words that are more appropriate during these days of such animosity. May we all deeply internaluze our mission to be a light unto the nations.

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  • Y

    Yanky -9 years ago

    Rabbi Jacobson

    Where you reffering to the Rebbe as being Moshiach?

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 23, 2015
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  • 3 Nisan 5775
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Dedicated by David Pisarevsky in loving memory of Yaakov, 5, Sarah, 6, Moshe, 8,Yehoshua, 10, Rivka, 11, Dovid, 12 and Eliana, 16 -- Sassoon, and for he recovery of Gilah bas Tziporah and Tziporah bas Gilah.

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