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Why the Cheesecake? Why No Sleeping?

Heaven Quarreled With Earth Who Should Receive Torah; the Meat-After-Milk Diet Determined the Verdict

1 hr 50 min

Class Summary:

Unlike any other Jewish Holiday or Shabbos meal, which is always highlighted by a main course of meat or chicken, customarily, the festive meal of Shavuos is dairy, and only afterward do we eat deli. Although there are various reasons for this, this class will explain the spiritual and psychological idea behind this custom, based on the Kabbalistic and Chassidic symbolism of meat and milk.

We will also explore the laws of the prohibition against eating meat and dairy products together, and the reason for waiting six hours after eating meat before eating dairy, but not the reverse. The class also explains the deeper reason for the Jewish custom of staying up on the night of Shavuos. The reason given is that Jews went to sleep on that night, and we are rectifying their behavior. But why would they go to sleep on such an exciting night?

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  • K

    Kalman -2 years ago

    What does it mean that we have received the Torah? That day we received only 10 commandments, and the next day Moshe went up the mountain for 40 days and nights to receive the Torah. None of these commandments speak of kosher food. Moreover, the Jews have been eating only mana for a month and a half. What kind of meat and what kind of milk did they eat in the desert?
    Before the Mishkan was built, no cattle were slaughtered or eaten at all, and no sacrifices were made. The proposed reason does not reflect the reality of that particular time. If so, why do we eat a dairy meal on this day?

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  • JK

    Joshua Kapuler -4 years ago

    1st time they had milk...?

    So that means the 1st time they had milk, by Har Siani, it was cholov ackum?? 🤔 

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  • S

    Shlomo -4 years ago

    A small אולי יש לומר:

    I always have this question: in north Ecuador countries, the day of Iom Tov of Shavuos is a long one, so when you come from shul in the morning or early afternoon, why not eat the meat meal first, like a regular Iom Tov, and after 6 hours, eat the dairy meal?

    But according what was explained, יומתק , it makes sense the way is it, first the dairy meal and later the meat one. Thanks.

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  • Z

    Zeldie -5 years ago

    Hello Rabbi Jacobson,

    Firstly I'd like to thank you for your insight and classes. I've gotten through many long carpool drives and post Shabbos dishes listening to them, and they have impacted my life deeply. 
    Before Shavuos, I listened to your class about the Minhagim- eating Milchigs and staying up all night. I turned the message into a poem which I've shared together with a picture of the dairy chocolate called "Harmony" which caught my eye while shopping for Yom Tov. I decided to share it with you too.
    Have a good Shabbos!

    In Harmony:

    It was called “Matan Torah”, the Torah was given
    The world was renewed, it’s spirit risen
    And there was Harmony

    The birds did not chirp, dogs did not bark
    No creation trying to make its mark
    And there was Harmony

    No noise, no competition
    Only humans, in precision
    And there was Harmony

    G-D’s word felt concrete
    His people complete
    And there was Harmony

    A lie wouldn’t last, truth so real
    Reality in which wounds clear and heal
    And there was Harmony

    Heaven and earth connected 
    Physicality transformed, affected 
    And there was Harmony 

    This lower plain, the primary importance 
    For Torah’s application and Mitzvah performance 
    And there was Harmony

    We eat dairy foods on this joyous occasion 
    To commemorate this time when we became a nation 

    We learn from milk, which is flowing, giving
    The life which Torah invites us to be living

    We face struggles of all kind
    In this physical body and mind 

    Yet, with an approach of acceptance 
    We tap into our Torah’s essence 

    Seeking meaning and connection
    Not angelic perfection 

    It's an individual growing, journeying
    A process we call learning
    And we live in Harmony

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    • MF

      Malka Forshner -2 years ago

      To the mysterious "Zeldie" --

      This is an exquisite poem! Did you write it?? 

      Can I useit  in my English class? 

      Is it your property or the property of theyeshiva.net??

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      • ZC

        Zeldie Cunin -2 years ago

        Hi Malka,

        Thanks for asking:)

        Yes, I wrote this poem, glad you enjoyed it!

        Have a wonderful Shavuot!



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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    According to the whole pshetel​: ​In the opinion of ​R​av the six hour rule should be after milk not meat​? ​However Rav only argue about cham tzonen etc​.​?

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    • RY

      Rabbi YY -6 years ago

      עדיפא מיני' הוה לי' להקשות, דלרב לא היה הקב"ה צריך ליתן התורה למטה אלא למלאכי השרת! ולרב לא היה צ"ל מתן תורה. אתמהה!
      ופשוט, דגם לרב תתאה גבר לגבי מלאכי השרת, וכן לגבי בשר וחלב, אף שלא בכל ענין, כמו חם וצונן.
      דוגמא לדבר: בלקו"ש ח"ו פרשת יתרו, לרע"ק עיקר העבודה היא העלאה מלמטה למעלה, מס"נ, למעלה מעולם. על הן הן ועל לאו הן. רואין את הנשמע ושומעין את הנראה. עיי"ש באורך.
      וע"ז יקשה ידידי תל', הרי נתאוה הקב"ה להיות לו דירה בתחתונים, שלכאורה הוא לכו"ע! 
      והביאור בזה הוא, שאכן לרע"ק הכונה היא דירה בתחתונים, אבל בזה גופא אצלו העיקר היא התנועה דהעלאה, ולא המשכה, בדב"ת גופא. ועי' עד"ז לקו"ש ח"ו פ' בא שיטת ב"ש ששמים קדמה לארץ, והרי גם ב"ש ס"ל שנתאוה להיות לו דירה בתחתונים! אלא שהם הם הדברים.
      כי בדב"ת גופא יש כמה וכמה פרטים ואופנים, ובזה גופא יש העלאה והמשכה, ביטול ומציאות, תתאה גבר או עילאה גבר. ועי' הדרן לששה סדרי משנה תשמ"ח באריכות, וכן לקו"ש חכ"ד פרשת על קולי ב"ה וחומרי ב"ש. 
      והיינו: המושג של תתאה גבר הוא מושג כללי בכל היהדות, ורב מסכים לכך, אלא שבזה גופא בדיני תערובת, ואולי גם בענינים אחרים, עילאה גבר, העליון שבתחתון גובר.
      כ"נ לומר לענ"ד.

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Shavuos/Vayeira Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 17, 2015
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  • 28 Iyyar 5775
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Dedicated in the loving memory of Nechama Leah bas Reb Pinchas Eliezer, in honor of her yartziet on 3 Sivan

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