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Fulfilling Your Business Potential

Speech on a Cruise for Fidelity Payment Services Sales People

49 min

Class Summary:

On July 29, 2015, Rabbi YY Jacobson delivered a lecture on a cruise for sales people of Fidelity Payment Services. The speech, addressed to mostly observant and Chassidic Jews, spoke of methods to maximize business potentials and cultivating a perspective on ones self that allows one to expand horizons and operate without fear.

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  • S

    Sima -9 years ago

    Being there live was very empowering. Thank you rabbi for so creatively visualizing the fact that we set our own limits and the potential for growth be it financial or spiritual is exponential.

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 3, 2015
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  • 18 Av 5775
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Dedicated to Zalman Hershel ben Ettel who passed away 8 months ago after a protracted  illness. May the merit of Torah learning bring him peace.
Dedicated by sister Rina bas Ettel

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