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Maamar Zeh Hayom 5741 #1

The Real Me Brings Out The Real G-d

59 min

Class Summary:

In a text based class we present a Mammer "Zeh Hayom Techilas Ma'asecha 5741". This class questions the date of Rosh Hashana. If the world was created on the 25th day of Elul, why do we celebrate the first day of Tishrei? In order to understand fully the impact of the creation of man, we need to understand how great creation itself was.This first part of the Mammer explains this concept. Additionally, we explain the relationship between a father and son and its origin in the creation of man.

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  • M

    Mary_Linda -9 years ago

    Sure appreciated this segment of the Rebbe's maamer. (Pardon that I add, the noise in the background, as the unheard questions, can annoy). I really enjoyed listening and hope to learn the maamer inside, to get to know it better. It's mighty long, but the timing is right, prior to 25 Elul, as prelude to 1 Tishrei!

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 17, 2015
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  • 2 Elul 5775
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