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Maamar Vayigash 5725 #2: Yehuda and Yosef -- Davening and Learning

When Davening Assumes the Depth of Torah

59 min

Class Summary:

Maamar Vayigash 5725 - Class 2. In the first class, we talked about a number of advantages of prayer over Torah study. In this class those ideas are pushed even further.

The great advantage of prayer is that it has a physical effect on the world, changing things materially. When we joined the two advantages of prayer and Torah, and this is achieved through the recitation of the opening verse, אדנ"י שפתי תפתח, prayer has both advantages. Number one, it's makes a physical change in the world; number two -- that you can actually see that it is G-dliness.

The discourse continues and ads yet another level. When prayer has the advantage of Torah, that you can see the G-dliness, then prayer is not only equal, but superior to Torah. The reason for this seems to be that since the G-dliness is being seen in the physical thing which is lower than spiritual existances, it has an additional advantage.

All of this is connected to the great debate about Yosef and Yehuda and which of the two are superior. Our discourse begins where most discourses end. Here the two are equal just as prayer and Torah are equal.

Our maamar finishes by saying that there is the ultimate advantage  in Yehuda, just as prayer, as seen in this discourse, is advantageous to Torah.

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    Yossi Paltiel

    • December 29, 2015
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    • 17 Tevet 5776
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    Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND in memory of Nadiv Dovber ben Uzi Kehati

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