Shavuos/Muktzeh Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In honor of the Bas Mitzvah of Dvora Shanowitz- May you continue to be a source of inspiration to your parents and all the Jewish people
A Dead King and Hungry Dogs: Exploring a strange Talmudic story about the passing of King David
Shavuos/Muktzeh Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In honor of the Bas Mitzvah of Dvora Shanowitz- May you continue to be a source of inspiration to your parents and all the Jewish people
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DM -6 years ago
At 32:51 Did you say King David became a leper? If so what's the source for this?
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Rabbi YY -6 years ago
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טל קפלן -7 years ago
שיעור נפלא
מסרתי אותו בכמה בתי כנסת כהכנה לשבועות והקהל ממש ליקק את האצבעות...
אגב היכן ניתן לקרוא עוד על הסיפור הזה ?
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Menachem Shapiro -11 years ago
Is this the pirush R' Yisroel heard?
Did you ever confirm with R' Yisroel if this was the Drasha he heard?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Yes, this was it.
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MARKY -12 years ago
mazal tov rujele !!!! bat mizva de tu hija ? bli ain ara ' como pasa el tiempo
que tengan mucho najat y la vean en la jupa con un talmid jajam
saludos y felicitaciones de Lea y toda la flia ...
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parabéns -12 years ago
Mazel Tov para Devorah nesta ocasião muito especial e importante.
Era tão bom ver essa classe dedicada à sua honra.
Que você possa continuar a crescer em seu judaísmo e trazerMessias Agora! Dos que te amam.
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