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Why Did Moshe Split the Tribe of Menaseh?

Moshe was unhappy with the request of Bnei Gad and Reuven. So why did he “offer” a seemingly “bad product” to the tribe of Menashe?

51 min

Class Summary:

Moshe was unhappy with the request of Bnei Gad and Reuven. So why did he “offer” a seemingly “bad product” to the tribe of Menashe?

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  • Y

    y.h -4 years ago

    how could you say moshe dint see keini knizi kadmozi if he saw everything that will hapen years after

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  • Z

    zalman -12 years ago

    leivi and meraglim
    how is that leivi was not part of meraglim how do u have 10 people who were in it and 2 - yehoshua and kalev who were out of the case how will u have 10 with out leivi?

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: leivi and meraglim

      Simply said, Menashe and Efraim replaced Levi and Yosef, so you can have 10 without Yehoshua and Kolev.

      The Rebbe in that Sicha, in footnote number 88 quotes (amongst others) Rashi in Dvorim 1:23: "The posuk comes to tell us that Shevet Levi was not amongst them (the Meraglim).." as expounded in the commentaries on that Posuk.

      Thank you for your inquiry.

      Rabbi Levi Y. Garelik

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  • Y

    Yisroel -12 years ago

    How could Menashe have the kavana of being split into two at the Chanukas Hamizbeach if that happened 40 years before this story?

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    • A

      Anonymous -12 years ago

      Re: Question

      Thank you for your question.

      there are many things in the Torah that were done "al shem Hoosid" (regarding the future): if you look in the Medrash which is quoted in the class you will see many more details.

      A few simple examples would be:

      1. In Parshas Chaye Sara , when Eliezer gave the Jeweley to Rivka, the Tora says that he gave her a "Beka" and Rashi explains that it was an allusion to the machazis hashekel; "two bracelets" representing the Luchos; and "they weighed ten gold shekels" representing the 10 commandments. Although all these things took place many years later.

      2. in Parsha Vayigash when Yosef cried on Binyomin and Binyomin on Yosef - says Rashi that they were each crying for the destruction of The Bais Hamikdosh which was going to be in their portion in Eretz Yisroel - hundreds of year slater.

      Keep those questions coming!


      Rabbi Levi Y Garelik 

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  • DB

    Dovid Benveniste -12 years ago

    My yetzer hara wants galus to continue...
    and so does my yetzer tov! My yetzer hara wants to drag me down,and my yetzer tov loves to subjugate the yetzer hara.I am not always successful,but it is a real dogfight.I am a Levy,and love the battle.If Moshiach comes,there won't be such a golden opportunity to find such hidden sparks of holiness.Stupid and selfish..or just being vain?

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  • C

    c.c -12 years ago

    thank you. it is always a pleasure, but maybe consider a different location for the microphone .

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Levi Garelik

  • July 13, 2012
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  • 23 Tamuz 5772
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