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Knowing vs. Believing

Beyond the Terra Firma of Knowledge Lies the Horizon of Faith

Class Summary:

Beyond the Terra Firma of Knowledge Lies the Horizon of Faith. Torah Or Beshalach Maamar Vayare Yisroel

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  • LG

    Leib Garber -10 years ago

    Thank you for uploading all these shiurim. I find this website to a great resource for aiding in my learning. 

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  • Y

    Yisroel -11 years ago

    Thank you
    Just wanted to say thank you! My wife and I truly enjoy and learn a lot from your shiurim.

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  • AH

    amir h -11 years ago

    question about the maamar


    first of all a groise yasher koach to yeshiva.net and rabbi paltiel for allowing us to learn chassidus "le'iuna" it is very geshmak.

    and second' i have a question about the maamar:

    can we conclude by saying that seeing shem havaya deltata, (hence the "lesser") means seeing how god is actually creating everything, "koach hapoel banifa'al".  andseing  shem havaya dele'eila (the higher) means seeing the "KAVONO PNIMIS" hence the inner meaning, god's intention in the creation?


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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: question about the maamar
      The idea you propose has merit, though I cannot think at the moment of where this particular idea appears in a Ma’amar. We, as a rule like to find direct sources from our holy Rebbeim for ideas of Chassidus.

      Moreover, there are so many additional ways of understanding the difference between the two Havayas that it is impossible to pin down any one explanation as the classic meaning.  

      As far as sources on this subject go, there are the most obvious source for this discussion are the classic works of Da’as Elyon and Da’as Tachton that address (in part) the two De’os of the two Havayas.

      These Ma’amarim are very well known and quite popular: Tishrei 5669, 5776; 5694; 5715, 5716 (in parts) among others.

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Torah Or Beshalach Maamar Vayare Yisroel

Yossi Paltiel

  • January 17, 2013
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  • 6 Sh'vat 5773
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND In memory of Reb Cheikel Chanin, Yartzeit, 6 Shevat

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