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The Story of the Miteler Rebbe

The life, times, arrest and liberation of the second Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Dov Ber (1773-1827)

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Class Summary:

The Story of the Miteler Rebbe - The life, times, arrest and liberation of the second Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Dov Ber (1773-1827)

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  • E

    eitan -10 years ago

    very inspiring to get these stories about the miteler rebbe. thank you so much rabbi.

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  • Y

    yisroel -11 years ago

    2 possibilities
    perhaps they took a brake to Daven 

    perhaps they davened mincha earlist time possible then they davened maariv at the latest possible time some days of the year (russian winter) it should work

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  • I

    isaac -11 years ago

    tzemach tzedek stopping it all
    Very interesting lesson. thanks.

    A few questions.

    1) What is the source that the Tzemach Tzedek stopped the music, the horse races and the dance and the reason you gave for it --not to attract the government attention? Please provide the source. Also, is it possible that there are other reasons? what are they?

    2) Why did the Chabad rebbe's stop donning white garments?

    3) How can the Rebbe say a maamar for 17 hours, how did he miss mincha? or if he did it at night, how did he miss shacharis?

    4) you said that the Tzemach Tzedek stopped coming to maamarim because he lived in structure and needed a schedule. Please provide the source for that?

    It would be helpful if you would always provide sources for all of these stories, in the books or places where they can be found.

    Thank you again.

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: tzemach tzedek stopping it all
      I’m including your questions in my answer and I’m giving you homework. No one who tells stories as I do can quote the source on the spot for his stories; it would completely ruin the flow. But if you want to look them up here are the S’farim the stories come from.

      1) What is the source that the Tzemach Tzedek stopped the music, the horse races and the dance and the reason you gave for it --not to attract the government attention? Please provide the source. Also, is it possible that there are other reasons? What are they?

      Answer: My answer has been postponed now for a very long time, in part because I haven’t found my source for the answer to this question which frustrates me.

      Here are my recollections. In the Sefer published around 20 years ago, (by Rabbi Berel Levin) that included all the documents regarding the Mitteler Rebbe’s arrest, I got the impression that part of what the government was after was this (perceived) pretentiousness of the Mitteler Rebbe, and I understood that the Tzemach Tzedek stopped much of it. However, in my current (quick) glance through the Sefer I failed to find it. It may very well be there but I did not have enough time to search it thoroughly. I may have inferred more than what was actually there.

      However there is clear documentation for such an event at a later time in the Nesiyus of the Tzemach Tzedek when certain traditions were curtailed or altogether eliminated.

      Here are some sources for this, Sichos 5698 page 258, Igros Kodesh (RaYaTz) vol. 4 page 300 ff. ibid vol. 8 page 500. See also T’shuvos of the Tzemach Tzedek Choshen Mishpat T’shuva 74 ff.

      2) Why did the Chabad Rebbe’s stop donning white garments?

      It doesn’t say, but the source is the Rebbe’s Reshimos.

      3) How can the Rebbe say a Ma’amar for 17 hours, how did he miss Mincha? Or if he did it at night, how did he miss Shacharis?

      The source is Likutei Sipurim from Perlov; found also in Otzar Sipurei ChaBaD.

      He may have missed a Tefilla. There are many such stories by Tzadikim, even in our times there was a Rebbe whose Shabbos would finish on Monday!

      4) You said that the Tzemach Tzedek stopped coming to Ma’amarim because he lived in structure and needed a schedule. Please provide the source for that?

      The Rebbe’s Reshimos.

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  • B

    ber -11 years ago

    how do you know the horse races were "spiritual?" maybe it was because physical strength and athletacisism is part of avodas hashem, and a healthy person is wholsome in both?

    remember that many of our greatest men were also very strong and athletic.

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: sources?
      Anyone who is a Tzadik on this level does nothing that is not directly and entirely for Hashem.

      We often have the need to make the Tzadikim like ourselves for various reasons, but there is no similarity between their lives and ours at all.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • November 22, 2012
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  • 8 Kislev 5773
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