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Confronting Your Pain: Were You Sold or Sent?

How Could Yosef Forgive His Brothers for All The Suffering They Brought On Him?

1 hr 22 min

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Tuesday morning, 5 Teves 5777, January 3, 2017, At Ohr Chaim shul, Monsey, NY


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  • JH

    Joshua Haimovici -3 years ago

    Simply and completely AWESOME on many spheres- spiritually.psychologically and educationally. Wonderful and should be reviewed and internalized.      Thank you.

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  • AGS

    A greatful student -3 years ago

    I really liked this class


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  • א

    אריאל -7 years ago

    Dear Rab. Jacobson

    I heard the lecture in which you read the letter of this woman.

    And if it's ok with you I'd like to share with you my thoughts about it.

    I was born the 8 shvat and so I hope that maybe something good can go out from this.

    When I was 11 years old we made an alliya to eretz Israel and so my parents send me to a yeshiva and for 2 years I have been humiliated and physically hurt by the rabbie and the talmidim.

    After that my life would not be easier ( death in my hand at 12, seeing my brother almost dying at 19, ect...).

    For most of my life most people have judge me and decided that I'm no good.
    I have been in the army and the to the university still when I fight with all my heart to make it.
    I'm 33 single hozer betshuva that most religious girl don't want to meet because hozer betshuva. I still learning for my Phd with 250k Ils dept.
    Still won't give up.

    I tell you that because after that it is logical for me to think like her.

    I understand why she think like that,
    because the questions are infinite : why? , the answers in general as the 3 friends of job: you are the problem, there is something wrong with you.

    Because there are poeple that fight without end for the happiness of other and after that stab in the back by them.

    Because it is true that sometime giving up looks like the better end.

    Because sometime we get tired of trying without any happy end.

    Because it's frustrating that no matter what we do we fall without anyone to hep us standing upwhile we never let anyone behind.

    Because sometimes as much as we try to find a spark of light we are surrounded by darkness.

    Because everyday is a battle and we don't have anything left in us.

    But, the fact is that we are still going, we continue to standing and fighting, helping even so that we have been betrailled.

    Because even so that we don't see light or hope we believe in the deepest profound layer of our souls.

    Because even so that we don't have anything left in us we continue.

    And the conclusion of that is because maybe she is right, maybe there are people that are not supposed to see light in there life because: 
    they are the light.

    A source of light cannot see it's own light because the intensity is to strong for us to be able to see.

    Because the trouot and shvarim let proov to all that everything is possible and there for give hope, faith and inspiration to other.

    And so maybe she is right, the light of those is so intense that must of the time we don't see it and that's why tell her please.

    For 3 years I try to understand the words of the Rebbe:
    Tricht goot zeicht goot

    And after those 3 years I finally understood what he meant.

    The Rebbe didn't say to think good but he said to live good as the good is already here, because in every struggle there is hope and growth and by deciding that good is here we can transform the situation at 180 degree.

    Thank you for everything that you have done for me, maybe by knowing or maybe not .

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  • S

    shimon -7 years ago

    On parshas vayigash #4037 even B"H not being in the situations you describe, I still "gained" tremendously.
    The Shem Mishmuel (parshas Vayigash page 274 the last piece in first column) explains that Yaacov Avinu understood the point you made that Yosef ALWAYS understood that G-D was orchestrating all that happened to him and even considered Yosef on a higher madraiga than himself because of this.

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  • S

    sara -7 years ago

    I have been following your brothers Torah for years---60 Days and Towards a meaningful life ...but the last few months I have been listening to your sheirum and I wanted to say that are incredible.

    I just wanted to mention your Parshat Vayigash Sheur--about re-framing--literally impacted me so much in so many ways. ....and I cant thank you enough. It was incredible how much I got from that one sheiur.

    I loved the letter you read about mental illness, the discussion of narrative therapy (which I have done), about re-framing, how Hashem gets our "consent" before we come to this world so we already agreed for our story and how we are messengers carrying out a mission--not objects being sent. It was amazing.

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Vayigash Women's Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 3, 2017
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  • 5 Tevet 5777
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