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The Talmudic Definition of Love & Romance

How Much Do You Love Your Spouse? How Much Does G-d Love Us?

1 hr 38 min

Class Summary:

The Jewish Past. A live Broadcast by Rabbi YY Jacobson

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago


    When will this be available for download? 

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  • S

    sara -4 years ago

    i would like to know how to download shiurim from the yeshiva. net?

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  • Y

    Yosef -5 years ago

    I heard a special shiur on the 9th of Av 5777, the commentary on the Mishna at the end of Gittin, and I think that the commentary sounds so original, and it certainly has a source in Chasidut books. I would be happy if the Rabbi sent me the source.

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    • RY

      Rabbi YY -5 years ago

      The nucleus of the idea I learnt from lecture by Rabbi Yosef Dov HaLevi, Reb Yashe Ber, Soloveitchik on marriage, published in his book on marriage.

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    Are there more classes that talk about Jewish intimacy?

    Are there more classes that talk about tye Jewish approach to intimacy/romance etc 

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      Admin -5 years ago

      Feel free to check the 'relationships' section in our Archives.

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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    I recently heard one of your classes speaking about בית הלל being so connected to a spouse to the point of not even recognizing a burnt Dish as being burnt.    Abraham Twerski wrote in one of his books that he remembers as a child how much his father completely adored his mother. There was such a close relationship that he saw in his father towards his mother. And he literally wrote exactly the way you expressed it, that "my mother could have made anything to eat for my father and it was so obvious how he enjoyed it as the greatest meal that could have possibly been made on the planet."... Or something VERY CLOSE to those words...    It could possibly have been in his book 'Self Improvement? But I'm Jewish!'.. Not sure 


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Tisha B'av 5777 Lecture

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 1, 2017
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  • 9 Av 5777
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