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Yud Shevat 5778 Farbrengen

8 Powerful Inspiring Talks

4 hr 35 min

Class Summary:

Thursday, Yud Shevat 5778, January 25, 2018, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY, for men, women, and children.

Talk 1: The story of the teacher and Napoleon, and why the oxen do not attack the shepherd. What is a Fabrengen? I'm not alone
Talk 2: When Shabbos is celebrated in the home, the effect on the children is incredible. "Eikar Shabbos." Story with the Rhizhiner and Shabbos.
Talk 3: Story of Reb Elazar, "go to the craftsman who made me," the Rebbe's explanation. The story of the Rebbe Rashab and the Raza, Reb Tzadok on believing in yourself.
Talk 4: How can they ask, "Hayesh Hashem Bikirbanu," based on the explanation on Purim 1971. Is Hashem inside of me? Does He care about the details of my life? The story with Tuscanini.
Talk 5: Mah Titzak Eilai. We need to get involved in outreach.
Talk 6: Paltaver Rav's Niggun.
Talk 7: The story of the cow and the dirty water. The cynicism which comes from politics. We have to recover innocence. 
Talk 8: Awe of a Rebbe is as deep as his awe of Hashem. The Maggid on becoming an instrument. the person becomes a channel, just as a musical instrument. The Rebbe like a pilot took the entire generation. The scoffing of Chabad. How did Rubashkin get his faith? Never lose your dreams. The Belzer Rav's insight on the Shirah.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Rav Tzadok

    ‏[קנד] כשם שצריך אדם להאמין בהש"י כך צריך אח"כ להאמין בעצמו. ר"ל שיש להש"י עסק עמו ‏ושאיננו פועל בטל שבין לילה כו' וכחיתו שדה שלאחר מיתתם נאבדו ואינם. רק צריך להאמין כי ‏נפשו ממקור החיים ית"ש והש"י מתענג ומשתעשע בה כשעושת רצונו. וזה פי' ויאמינו בה' ובמשה ‏עבדו פי' משה ר"ל כלל ס"ר נפשות ישראל בדור ההוא האמינו שהש"י חפץ בהם [וממילא ג"כ ‏במשה אשר הוא ממש הם וכמשאז"ל (ב"ב קכא:) שכל זמן שהיו ישראל נזופים לא נתייחד הדבור ‏למשה. וכמ"ש במק"א כי בכל חטאי ישראל חטא ג"כ משה שהוא כללותם כמו בעגל הי' חטא משה ‏בשבירת הלוחות ובאמת הוא דבר תמוה וזר מאוד אפי' לקרוע ס"ת בחמתו ולהשליכה לארץ מכתב ‏יד סופר דעלמא כ"ש הלוחות מכתב ה'. והוא ממש חטא דעגל כמ"ש במק"א וכשנא' לו יישר כחך ‏ששברת ידע כי גם בנ"י כן כמ"ש בע"ז (ה.) בואו ונחזיק טובה לאבותינו כו' ובקברות התאוה א' ‏הצאן ובקר ישחט וכן במי מריבה ובמרגלים הי' חטאי השליחות כמ"ש שלח לך לדעתך ואכמ"ל ‏כולם] ורוצה ומקבל נח"ר מן חלק הטוב שבהם: ‏

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    The Belzer Rebbe

    Beautifull powerful speeches!

    Just wondering where you heard the story of the Belzer Rebbe went to buy food in middle of the tish (towards the end of the last speech)


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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    The Rebbes explanation in the gemara in Taanis with R' Elazar is fitting to the one who said it. Someone whose whole life lived with this idea and acted upon it. Only someone who lived this way could see that this is what the gemara is bringing out. Did the Rebee explain how someone is able to shake a person who is so far away that there is nothing to work with?

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  • E

    Elie -6 years ago

    Amazing Music

    The music at 3:30 gave me the chills... Beautiful... Rabbi YYJ, always amazing quality words of Torah uplifting and inspiring.... Chazak VeMatz may you go from strength to STRENGTH !!!!

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  • C

    Chaim -6 years ago


    When will this be available for download?

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Yud Shevat Kumzitz Farbrengen

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 25, 2018
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  • 9 Sh'vat 5778
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Dedicated in memory of Yenta bas Reb Menachem Mendel, who passed away on 2 Shevat, 5778. A sole survivor from the horrors of Auschwitz, she rebuilt a life & family full of faith and kindness. By her son Reb Mendel Zilberberg shlita

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