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Why Should I Give People the Benefit of the Doubt

The Torah's Manual on How to Judge Others

1 hr 1 min

Class Summary:

This Women's class was presented on Tuesday, 9 Iyar, 5778, April 24, 2018, at Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY

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  • A

    anonymous -6 years ago

    You probably don’t realize that you have uncovered the core reason for why so many girls and ladies are struggling with Tznius today—- because what is being taught/forced today is not recognizeable as the Torah we were taught in the womb. Bingo!! (Your class on why we should judge favorables) 
    I could not be more excited and relate more to this point. Bravo! 

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  • S

    Shimi -6 years ago

    BH enjoying listening to your shiurim as always.

    The story of the Ksav Sofer was with his fathers talmud R Yehuda Assad. ‘Yehuda yaale ‘ (that’s another great story of when he was chosen to go meet the emperor I think)

    He was the older zakein with the other coin.

    My shvers great, great grandfather.


    Thank you for everything,

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  • M

    MM -6 years ago


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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    This class is a must! 

    The lesson is of upmost importance. 

    Yashar Koach to Rabbi Jacobson. 

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Women's Kedoshim Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 24, 2018
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  • 9 Iyyar 5778
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