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4 Jews: Marx, Spinoza, & Freud -- and Abraham

The First Commandment to the First Jew Was a Protest Against Human Victimhood

1 hr 12 min

From L to R: Marx, Spinoza, Freud

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Lech Lecha, 7 Cheshvan, 5779, October 16, 2018, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY.

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  • I

    Isaac -3 years ago

    The best of the best.

    This shiur by far surpassed all his works.

    I enjoyed it very much.

    Especially when he mixes in the most controversal three and connects it to modern day.

    Keep it up Rabbi YY!

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  • F

    Fred -5 years ago

    Giving Credit

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    • Anonymous -5 years ago

      Great observation Fred. YYJ says that quite clearly toward the start of the lecture.

      He is just elaborating on J. Sacks. Its nice how YYJ applies it. It is not the first time YYJ has used SAcks, its no problem.

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    • I

      Isaac -5 years ago

      Fred, next time listen actually to the class and you will hear Rabbi Jacobson saying exactly that: That it is a chidush from Rabbi Sacks.

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Lech Lecha Women's Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 16, 2018
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  • 7 Cheshvan 5779
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Dedicated by Evelyn Mocton in loving memory of her father, Yakov ben Mordechai Zvi, a holocaust survivor and a very gentle man, in honor of his yarzeit on 7 Cheshvan.

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