Chanukah 5779 -- a video a day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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The fourth episode of our Chanukah 5779/2018, a video a day series.
The Ancient Debate on How to Deal with Inner Darkness by Rabbi YY Jacobson
Chanukah 5779 -- a video a day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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D Fabry -5 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
Many thanks for your very interesting classes including this one! And what's even more interesting is that we are actually already living with Moshiach as EMDR overcomes the divide, both processing trauma as well as installing positive cognitions and present & future templates of living positively ;)!! A Freilichen lichtigen Chanukah
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Yaakov Rosenthal -6 years ago
School of Hillel is real Somatic Experiencing SE and Self Regulating Teaching SRT
Somatic therapy deals with a person's body sensations. Sensations create our emotions which are the basics of our stories which are the foundations of our beliefs. Somatic therapy introduces tools to attempt to balance unregulated sensations and add acceptance and a new outlook to a person's life.
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