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Why Judaism Does Not Believe in 'Gedolim'

The "Secret" Souls Who Bring Heaven Down to Earth

1 hr 8 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Shmini, 19 Adar II, 5779, March 26, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago


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  • A

    Aharon -5 years ago


    About the story of the young boy who was shamed when he laughed at the story of HaShem playing w/the huge fish and his Rebbe shamed him.   I've maybe told 15 people this story already.  One of them mentioned a gemora Chulin 107b that says a story:  Shmuel's father found him crying.  "Why are you crying?"  Shmuel:  "My teacher (R Yehuda haNassi) hit me".  "Why?"  "Because you fed my son and didn't wash your hands."  Shmuel's father:  "And why didn't you wash your hands?"  "He was eating and I should wash my hands?!"    Shmuel's father: "Is it not enuf that the teacher didn't learn the halachos and yet he hit you also?!"  

    Apparently the Rebbi was mistaken on two sides - he didn't know the halacha and he hit Shmuel wrongly!

    Reminds of a story R YY said a while ago.   A 48 yr old man speaking w/him, asked him a q?.  the man said it's the first q? i asked in 40 years.  I asked a ? in cheder when i was 8 and the rebbe shamed me, said it was a stupid ?.   the boys made fun of me in the folowing years.  I was so broken I'd never ask another ? till now.      R YY: "Do you remember the ?"    Man:  "Yes" and he told the ?.    R YY "the Kli Yakar asked the same ?.  the rebbe was doubly wrong - for shaming and for not knowing it was really a good ?"                     (Even if it was a poor or "stupid" ? the rebbe shouldn't shame or embarass a gentle little Yiddisha neshamala!!)


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  • M

    Michael -5 years ago

    As always, I truly appreciate your daily shiur and listen to it each day .. I just wanted to add a comment ..... re: your comments about Moshe and water and his name etc and fish and the hidden worlds ... Moshes birthday falls in the month of Adar, which is dagim ( pisces) ... it all ties in so perfect ... thanx again for all your efforts. I share many of things I learn with my family and we all grow from the chassidus you help spread. All the best.


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  • C

    Cirel -5 years ago

    I saw once in the sefer Taharas Yisroel that there is a possibility to use fish skin as a cover for a serious wound for someone who needs to go to the mikvah. Interesting

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  • C

    Cirel -5 years ago

    I heard the Rabbeinu Tam hut oisgepoelt that a person that puts on RT tefillin should at least once in his lifetime make an error and say the brocho on his tefillin, instead of Rashi's. :)

    I heard it from Zaide Yankel LIpskier- my Shver AH

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