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Theology, Sociology, Psychology and Sheep

Four Sages Debate What the Most Important Idea of Judaism Is

44 min

Class Summary:

Theology, Sociology, Psychology and Sheep. Four Sages Debate What the Most Important Idea of Judaism Is

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  • H

    harry -5 years ago

    Master Thesis Services in UK, USA, Australia

    Top Tutor Bay is one of the top academic writing websites to provide assistance to students in their essays, research papers, assignments, term papers, dissertations, PowerPoint presentations, etc. 

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  • TB

    Tuvia Bolton -11 years ago

    How come??
    The message is so clear and obvious.... so why doesn't ANYONE seem to get it?

    EVERY member of the Kenesset, religious Zionist included are willing to give SOMETHING away to the Arabs for 'peace'.  What Jewish leader would refuse offering, say, a box of straw or hay to give peace a chance?  NONE....... except for the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

    (And, of course the Shulchan Aruch (Aruch Chaim chapt 329) and the Rambam and every other true Torah athority between them).

    The problem is clear.

    The Solution is only one..... to learn and follow the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Only then will Jews have the fortitude to not only withstand but to transform the ENTIRE world as Abraham, the first Jew, began when he founded Judaism.

    Moshiach NOW!



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  • Y

    Yitzchok -11 years ago

    As wild as it sounds, historical truth and practicality is as follows: 

    1. The only time that not one word of dessent was heard in the U.N., was when Prime Minister Menachem Begin took out a Bible and said "this is our deed to the Land of Israel."  Not one word of dissent!  

    2. In every war, where the first shots were fired by the Arabs, after Israel successfully defended themselves, the whole world was "up in arms" against Israel, and demanded the "return of the captured lands."  The ONLY EXCEPTION was the 6 day war (1967) when Israel's existence was "merely?" threatened, Israel fired the "actual" first shots, did what they had to, and "lo and behold" NOT ONE WORD OF CRITICISM, NO DEMANDS TO RETURN ANY CAPTURED LAND (unfortunately the Israeli Government officials were the ones who put that cockemania idea in their heads - talk about our worst enemies...), AND THE ENTIRE WORLD SUPPORTED THEM - NAY, THEY ACTUALLY APPLAUDED THEM!!!   

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  • A

    Anonymous -11 years ago

    Shalom.  This is an excellent shiur

    Thank you very much.  Baruch H'Shem.

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  • BHL

    Benveniste Ha Levy,Tsfat -11 years ago

    Jewish Meditation

    Excellent !

    Since we are living in such radically stressful schizophrenic ADHD times before Moshiach,why aren't there more classes in Chabad worldwide in Chassidische guided meditation /relaxation healing techniques?

    Strength and Blessing,

    Dovid Benveniste

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  • C

    Chayamiriam -12 years ago

    Rabbi YY Jacobson's shiurs

     You can get the same shiurs (almost - I assumer they were recorded yrs ago) by dialing: (718)735-7333

    2 for English

    1 For Chassidis

    4 for Tanya

    2 for Rabbi Jacobson's shiurs

    3 to pick chapter


    btw, Rabbi Jacobson, thank you so much!!!! You are doing a tremendous service. Your shiurs are just what we need

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  • C

    Chaim -12 years ago

    Next Shiur
    When will we get the next Shiur

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  • D

    David -13 years ago

    Who Says the Jewish Soul is Different?

    So here goes with the questions on Rabbi Y.Y .Jacobson's shiur:


    YJ: Bereishit Hashem formed ADAM (man) and "blew into his nostril", and he became a human being. " you blew it into me" " My God - the soul you have blown it into me" . The neshoma of a human being came from Hashem .


    I am very comfortable with all the above. I only see discussion of the "Neshoma" in the singular, and I see "UNIVERSALITY OF MAN" (ADAM), in these words. In these quotes and references YJ makes no distinction AT ALL. 


    YYJ has sold us the conceptual framework for a soul ( singular) , so it resides in our sub-coscious, and then he leaves the substantive issue.


    YYJ: "He who blows, blows from within him". - From his inwardness and innermost being (Vitachty). Blowing is tiring, and if you were doing it, you could not keep going. It is actually used metaphorically, it is not the physical - it is a metaphor for the connecting of the soul. - 


    YJY: Mishnah - "World was created through 10 utterances" this refers to the external. "Vayepach - the the internal of the Divine . Hashem's blow did NOT create the soul. It is the actual blow of Hashem that is imparted at that moment of creation. THIS IS THE "INTERNAL " ASPECT


    Now, again, whatever he as said above, I am very comfortable with. Everything as it is reported has UNIVERSAL APPLICABILITY, and there is no hint of exclusion, distinction or any such concept. 


    What YYJ is doing is providing a number of sub conscious finger prints for us to hold in short term memory, and it appears to link the dots. ALL GOOD


    THEN THE SOPHISTRY: YJ: "this "INTERNAL ASPECT is the SOUL OF THE JEW. that is the nub of the entire drosha, and it is subtly interwoven amongst all the signposts previously laid on the pathway, but is made pure as an unsupported statement, You could call it an assumption, or you might describe it as an assumption. There is no reference to "bereishit", or any of the books of the torah. Those original UNIVERSAL REFERENCE POINTS are in place in our sub- conscious, and we are supposed to just connect the two as a continuum??


    Now YJ moves very lightly to his substantiation and refer to a message from the Tanya, " Hashems Reality" " a divine reality" " a devine soul","the heart of the soul" "not a mundane reality" . Again, nothing objectionable in these statements. but chronologically, what YJ does not want us to realize is that we have leap frogged for circa 1500 BCE ( when the Torah was given in Sinai), to the Alter Rabbi, in about 1800 CE, a slight gap of about 3,500 years.


    I do not want to make any judgements on the Alte Rebbe, who is considered by many to be a Tzadik, BUT, these remain the words of a human being.


    YYJ Quotes the Tanya " Every single JEW contains this aspect!" ( see above the internal aspect is the soul of the Jew). but is made pure as an unsupported statement, You could call it an assumption, or you might describe it as an opinion. There is no reference to "bereishit", or any of the books of the Torah. Those original UNIVERSAL REFERENCE POINTS are in place in our sub- conscious, and we are supposed to just connect the two as a continuum?? 


    The bottom line what is the original source for saying that the soul of a Jew is different to that of the nations of the world!

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  • NN

    Nu Nu -13 years ago

    lesson 8
    Please put some new batteries in the cassette player

    It doesn't take that long to rip a cassette !!

    seriously, the long gaps between the lessons

    stifles the enthusiasm to learn this wonderful topic

    it blocks the continiuity

    I've been listening to each shuir several times

    because they are rich in information and it's

    hard to absorb it all in just one session

    but PLEASE have some rachmunis on us

    and issue these wonderful shiurim much more frequently

    Yasher Koach

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  • S

    Shmiel -13 years ago

    How long till Lesson 8 ?
    there was a very very long gap in time between the release of  lessons 6 and 7.

    when may we expect lesson 8?

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: How long till Lesson 8 ?
      We are working on it.

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  • A

    Ariel -13 years ago

    Nice.. but lets be practial... What action does Netanyahu or the rest need to do, or us? Just proclaiming this and that is it? Maybe the world will tell us... well if you say G-d gave you the land, then first behave like that jew that he expects you to be and then we talk about the land...

    Is the solution just stating that G-d gave us the land or us changing our way of life and then automatically the land will be ours? Is not tha what the Torah tells us to do?

    Your article is right but too theoretical...we need guidance for practical actions

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    • M

      Michale -13 years ago

      Re: Practical
      Why do a lot of religious leaders afraid to tell the true, that only one resolution here: religious state and live according Torah Laws?! Answer is: because nobody will listen, except minority of religious people. Everyone waits for Moshiach to come and clean up this big mess.

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  • F

    Frank -13 years ago

    Missing an Important Point
    As the Rabbi's article articulately states, Torah is THE bottom line claim to our land. However, the article misses an important point, which we must rely on as well if we are not going to be naive about secular (dis)belief in Torah and modern bias against religion: Jewish presence in the Land of Israel has been uniterrupted for 3,500 years. It is the decendants of Jews exiled after the destruction of the Temple who are the historical occupants of the land, not the Arabs who came to occupy the land, along with Jews, under the Ottoman Empire and for whom Israel was never a home land and who never established an organized nation in the Land of Israel (see, for example, Mark Twain's writtings on his travels through the Holy Land).

    The only solution to the problem is for the UN to force Jordan and Syria to resettle Israeli Arabs in their countries. Those who want to stay in Israel should live in a Jewish State, just like millions of people of divergent faiths live in officially Catholic and Protestant countries throughout Europe and Latin America such as Great Britain, Norway, Mexico, etc. Sounds too idealistic? Agreed. But only because we have been ingrained with giving away (not "giving back"!) land for so long.

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    • M

      Michale -13 years ago

      Re: Missing an Important Point
      It is so naive to think that UN is the organization as "real estate" can "give or take back" any land. Yes, they try to do "mapping" but only by "divide" territories. Their "work" does not bring peace in any their artificial division. The same had happened with former British colonies. In our case, Israel has to live by Torah laws, i.e. one religion, all other worship buildings, symbols have to be destroy, all non-Jews have to accept our G-d and other commands according to religious Jewish state. Only after that Israel will have Peace.

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  • M

    mls -13 years ago

    As beautiful as this sounds, it seems to me our opposition is irrational and therefore we are entering into pikuach nefesh where only emuna and the unity of every Jew prevails and overrides all other considerations.

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    • M

      Michale -13 years ago

      Re: irrational
      Any consideration that bring us closer to G-d commands are better than nothing. But you are right: teshuva and Unity are the best resolution for Jewish people.

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  • M

    mls -13 years ago

    still confused
    When I hear shiurim talk about Ahavas Yisroel, love your neighbour as yourself, don't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you, what if the person is aggressive, abusive? What if strong action needs to be taken to prevent them from harming others? How are we fulling Ahavas Yisroel in doing so? What is the appropriate mentality? What should we be telling ourselves?

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: still confused
      Very good question. If you send us your email address, I can send you an essay I wrote on the subject trying to clarify what is the proper approach in these cases.

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      • A

        Anonymous -13 years ago

        Re: still confused

        thank you.

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      • A

        Anonymous -13 years ago

        Re: still confused
        Please send your essay that clarifies the Ahavas Yisroel approach to dealing with harmful people to miridov.info@gmail.com Thank you.

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  • TW

    Tzipah Wertheimer -13 years ago

    this really helped

    Thank you so much. I am so heartbroken over the loss of Leiby Kletzky A"H HY"D. I think he and his family are the essence of what means, consistency. Ordinary people with extraordinary commitment.

    In this sense, Leiby is the entire Torah. A genuine activist on the front line. A pure, holy, boy whose entire life encapsulated the meaning of ordinary consistency.

    Thank you, this is the first sense of nechama I have heard.

    Ad Mosai

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  • Y

    YYJ -14 years ago

    Answer to Question
    Why did he stand on his feet? It seems to me that this was his way of conveying the very theme of what he was saying. standing vs. sitting represents firmness, strength, endurance, power. the other three verses might evoke inspiration, but the power and strength of Judaism, what will make it "stand," what will allow it to retain its power and endurance, what will make it "erect" and firm will be the consistent dedication and commitement of its followers.
    another point may be, while the other verses deal with the mind and heart, this one deals with the "legs." it is about action, getting thigs done, the consistency of the leg rather than the sophistication of the mind. the consistenchy of the "foot" soldier. hence he stood up on his legs! the leg representing the determination and commitement rather than the sophistication.

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  • BP

    Ben Pincahs -14 years ago

    Al Raglov
    Thank you so much Rabbi!
    I missed the answer to the question of why he had to stand when making the statement.
    I would appreciate if you could answer it here in writing.
    Thank you again

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  • SK

    Shira K -14 years ago

    thank you
    Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for an enlightening shiur. I have heard the midrash before, but your insight greatly enhances my previous knowledge.

    And thank you SO much, every week, to Eda and David Schottenstein for sponsoring this webcast. May you all be blessed with all blessings, and always be in the position to give and enrich others' lives the world over.

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  • DJ

    devorah Johson -14 years ago

    So you are saying that each morning and evening one looks at whatever his or her circumstances are and says " life is too small to contain its meaning, so I must commit myself to idea that life has meaning no matter what, a transcendence that is beyond self and experience. It's meaning is inherent and is the divine beyond our ken. So submit to it and have the humility that the pieces make the whole. It is a continual sacrific of our limited perceptions. This to me requires more courage than that of a soldier going into to battle. The integrety required of the person to really believe this is what gives him his dignity.

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  • MD

    mark deuteronomovic -15 years ago

    Obama and the Bible???
    What happened to the basic american principle of due process???

    Waragenda of Mr. Obama!

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  • A

    Anonymous -15 years ago

    non moslims are not even allowed in Mecca. Let them have their holy land and let us have ours.

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  • R

    Rachel -15 years ago

    Washington DC
    So, where's the delegation to Washington of those who are educated enough in the Torah to be able to educate those in power? Where's the mesiras nefesh mamash?

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  • E

    Esti -15 years ago

    What happened to the basic american principle of due process. Innocent untill proven guilty. Even religious Jews deserve this basic right.

    It is just more news worthy when Jews who are held to a higher caliber sukpposedly act in a lowly manner.

    Dont they deserve a trial before we all assume that they are guilty?

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  • B

    B -15 years ago

    Wow--amazing article! So clear...and really explains the middle eastern situation so well...really enjoyed reading it!

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  • DR

    D Rand -15 years ago

    Facts on the Ground
    Even those who aren't particularly sympathetic to Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, could get a good measure of satisfaction from this interview with British Television during the retaliation against Hamas' shelling of Israel. The interviewer asked him: "How come so many more Palestinians have been killed in this conflict than Israelis?" (A nasty question if there ever was one!)

    Netanyahu: "Are you sure that you want to start asking in that direction?"
    Interviewer: (Falling into the trap) Why not?
    Netanyahu: "Because in World War II more Germans were killed than British and Americans combined, but there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the war was caused by Germany's aggression. And in response to the German blitz on London, the British wiped out the entire city of Dresden, burning to death more German civilians than the number of people killed in Hiroshima.

    Moreover, I could remind you that in 1944, when the R.A.F. tried to bomb the Gestapo Headquarters in Copenhagen , some of the bombs missed their target and fell on a Danish children's hospital, killing 83 little children. Perhaps you have another question?"

    Apparently, Benjamin Netanyahu gave an interview and was asked about Israel's occupation of Arab lands.

    His response was, "It's our land". The reporter (CNN or the like) was stunned.

    "Crash Course on the Arab Israeli Conflict."

    Here are overlooked facts in the current & past Middle East situation. These were compiled by a Christian university professor:

    1. Nationhood and Jerusalem.
    Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE, Two thousand years before the rise of Islam.

    2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel.

    3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 BCE, the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in
    the land for the past 3,300 years.

    4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 CE lasted no more than 22 years.

    5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.

    6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach, the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.

    7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem.

    8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.

    9. Arab and Jewish Refugees: in 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to
    leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an
    Israeli soldier.

    10. The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms.

    11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab
    lands is estimated to be the same.

    12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the
    100,000,000 refugees since World WarII, theirs is the only refugee group in
    the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own people's lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into
    Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey.

    13. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: the Arabs are represented by eight separate
    nations, not including the Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation. The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time and won.

    14. The PLO's Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank
    land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them.

    15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were
    denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths.

    16. The UN Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel.

    17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel..
    18. The UN was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians.

    19. The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

    20. The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like a policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
    These are incredible times. We have to ask what our role should be.What will we tell our grandchildren about what we did when there was a turning point in Jewish destiny, an opportunity to make a difference?

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  • RB

    Roz Basserabie -15 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi for such an insightful and informative article.

    Conspiracy theory 1:

    Amidst the potently successful anti Israel propaganda by the Arab world, imagine if their[the muslims] trump card[ planned many years ago] was to insinuate a pleasant, innocently appealing muslim into the senate of the most powerful country in the world. There would be no attempt to cover up his ''MUSLIM'' affiliation, so that it would not appear sinister, once ''the cat came out of the bag''. In fact, more attention would be given to his African and 'black' heritage, in the light of the racial undertones and history of this powerful, tolerant first world country. This subtle manuevering would thus, present no complication when the protagonist campaigned for presidency.[ Especially in a country that had professed it's intolerance to terrorism,such as that, which had previously been inflicted upon it---by none other than fundamentalist muslims].

    Once the candidate was voted in as President, he would be the perfect 'puppet' for the immensely wealthy oil controlling Arabs and his modus operandi of leadership would be 'like the face of a dog'.[ looking back to see his 'masters' placing, while thinking, or pretending that he was in the lead].Thus, it would appear that he would be pleasing all, except those' whose biblical history cautioned them to questionable undertones and hidden agenda's.

    Am I entirely out of line, or have the Israeli forces that be-- -already thought of this scenario? But, because of it's appearing 'too obvious''...[like leaving the jewels in front of the fellon, instead of hiding them away], ruled it out as 'daft' and ridiculous?

    Aggravation and Irritation 1

    Why is there so little conflict in the hearts of the majority of muslims, as to their prayers [5 x a day, wherever they may be] to their g-d?
    BUT, us JEWS CONFLICT OVER WHETHER TO PRAY..[NEVER MIND WHEN?] AND CREATE ALL SORTS OF DISPUTE....political; personal and otherwise regarding our rights and obligations in our undeniably miraculous, tiny G-G GIVEN LAND?

    Disturbed [ but aware that it's all G-D'S plan...as is everything else]

    Roz Basserabie--South Africa

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  • MD

    Matthew Donovan -15 years ago

    wow Rabbi Yossi~

    aptly said and inspiring.

    thanks for making the effort to communicate your insight on this -

    Kol Tuv,
    Matis D

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  • JF

    Joel Fine -15 years ago

    A Question
    The Obama article was fabulous. The thing about the benching adds significantly to my appreciation.

    Two questions if you can

    Wasn't it controversial when the settlements were taken down? I thought Israelis were split on it. I can appreciate if the media was biased though.

    And is it fair to assume the reason Jews are reluctant to stand up and say, "Look, its right here in the book" is because we got our buts kicked in WWII? Or, do you think its an older collective apprehension regarding the overt public displays of possession?


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    • M

      Michale -13 years ago

      Re: A Question
      How can we tell "Look, its right here in the book" if some Israeli do not read this book? How can we press on our rights for this land, if some of Israeli talk about "Peace" with PA by giving up our land? What event do you think will unite all Jews? Do you get my point? History "moves" in spiral way and "repeats" itself with some modifications in details.

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  • L

    Levi -15 years ago

    Proposal: Emblazon belief in Creator on money
    This was just in the news

    Bill put forth by Shas MK Nissim Zeev proposes printing money with 'We believe in the Creator' emblazoned on them; 'it will serve as daily reminder to all Jews of our faith,' he says.


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  • M

    Mr.Smith -15 years ago

    OBAMA and Israel
    Enough already.It is time for reality. If there were no oil in the middle east, American support of Israel would be as solid as American support of Great Brittan. Obama is getting his chain jerked by the Saudis pure and simple. The Palistinians have no rights to the land. The land of Israel is the eternal homeland of the Jewish people.
    Strange the Jews are the occupiers from 1948 until today. What were the Arabs from 70 until 1948. What about the 2500 years before the year 70? American Jews throw themselves at the feet of the Democratic part. Praying for the return of FDR. The same FDR that transported 900,000 German POWs to the United States during WW2 and no Jews. The Democratic party represents the new left, the destruction of the family, the selling out of Israel for the Palistinians, socialism, and the Jews run to them like they were long lost cousins. The Jews should be concentrating on an new fuel for the economy. Decrease the Saudi influence and the mideast crisis goes away. Would we have a Balfour declaration if Dr.Weitzman had not had an invention the Brittish needed for the first world war? Wake up. Obama is a
    street organizer from Chicago who attended regular services with an anti-semitic preacher. He is a muslim by heritage. The Jews made a mistake by voting for him. What did the really expect?

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  • D

    Dick -15 years ago

    Obama got a point
    Time is not on Israel's side (and God does not intervene in history... now), so a one year moratorium on construction would give the Palestinians and the Arabs time to decide if they are willing to accept Israel in Palestine or if the battle continues and the Iranians trump the Arabs. Peace in the Middle_East is always contingent, but it's peace as opposed to war. Dick Kaufman

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  • A

    Anonymous -15 years ago

    This is such a stunning article. Email it to Obama.

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  • SH

    Steven Hubert -15 years ago

    Obama & the Future of Israel
    The reality is that those Zionist-Socialists were themselves like Joshua. They took & helped take Jews into the modern era. Whereas Moshe was not permitted to enter the Land, Yehoshua, the "Moon", led the People. Of course, Yehoshua was the epitomy of faith as well, sort of unlike our Socialist Zionist bretheren. For all their supposed lack of faith, however, our bretheren were willing to suffer great inconvenience at the very least so that the Jew could hold his/her head high, with dignity. Unfortunately, nothing like that is present now (in my opinion, the last, best class act that the State of Israel had was Menachem Begin, O.B.M.) Not one politician that I could point to that I would trust as far as I could spit. No one with vision. 'Ki pasku anshei amana m'yisrael'. God forgive me if I misspoke.

    I would like to point out that saying by a famous "apikorus"--'It's not what the goyim say that is important-it's what the Jews do' -David Ben-Gurion

    In any event, we should not delude ourselves-if we act righteously, and that word can mean fair, but very tough too, then like Yaakov Avinu, we should still not expect to live a life of tranquility-that is not what this life is about anyway-it's about the striving for tranquility, justice, compassion and other things. Maybe once in a while we get to shine and bask as well.

    Sorry for the rant, but thanks for listening.

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  • MC

    Martin Cury -15 years ago

    Multiple, and the response SHAME
    I was going to comment only on your article, but in the course of getting through the comments, I read the response called SHAME. I want to respond to that.
    This person should know that people are people before they are even Jewish much less alone Orthodox. This person is using the same reason the Nazis used to kill ALL Jews. The bottom line is that we, the Jewish people have the potential to be the highest spiritual people in the world or the lowest below humanity. We rise and fall based on our doing of HaShem's Will. His Will, not our poor interpretation of it. To the extent we do, we rise farther than can be thought possible and bring HaShem to this world as in the days of the first Temple. If not we become like the lowest demons and give them actuality in this world. The fact that this person blames his own people already shows that he is driven by the unclean side. His anger is misplaced. Instead, he should ask HaShem what he can do to undo the damage done. The unclean side yields a falsehood that blinds people not dedicated to HaShem and makes them incapable of seeing the TRUTH.
    As for your article, you are right on. Definitely Obama and former president Clinton are wolves in sheep's clothing. I didn't vote for Obama because I foresaw his treachery and knew he would be bad for the Jewish people.

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  • M

    moshe -15 years ago

    I hope this wonderfully written essay will be a wake up call to the %80 and that this piece will some how make to the desk of our president.

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  • Y

    Yitzchok -15 years ago

    Jewish pride and public image
    In response to those who deride "orthodoxy" because of the bad actions of some observant Jews- that is poor thinking. Look insteead at the beautiful actions of most observant Jews, most of the time. Many who are quick to point at hyprocisy do so, because they don't want to live up to a higher standard themselves, and so they choose to undrcut those who do try to live up to a higher standard!

    As for world opinion, and local opinion for that matter-I say live by the Torah as much as possible, and strive to do more! Not only will you respect yourself, others will respect you, also.

    As for Israel's security- the only sensible answer is to understand and proclaim that Israel is G-d's gift to Jews for eternity- and not given by the UN or any government to be withdrawn later. This will bring peace- and Arabs will stop raising their children to hate Jews, and think that killing them is correct and honorable, as they do now.

    Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh

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  • JWM

    John W. McGinley -15 years ago

    The Darkest Hour
    Is it true that the darkest hour is just before dawn? I hope so. I have been shocked by President Obama's tunnel vision relative to Israel. I am even morwe shocked that his Chief of Staff seems to be backing President Obama in his tunnel vision. My hope is that, like a man coming out of a coma, President Obama will wake up, first, and then get some steel in his spine. God-willing.

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  • LP

    Lance Pittleman -15 years ago

    You are Wrong
    “Have you heard any Muslim leader suggest that Jews are not, by their very existence on Middle Eastern soil, occupying land that does not belong to them?”

    Why, yes.
    I’m surprised that you haven’t heard about it.
    It’s been all over the news for decades, now…
    “Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty in 1979, marking the end of 30 years of relentless hostility and five costly wars. The treaty was preceded by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's visit to Jerusalem (1977), at the invitation of Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin…President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their achievement…
    The peace treaty between Jordan and Israel, signed at the Akaba-Eilat border crossing (October 1994), was preceded by a meeting of King Hussein and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in Washington three months earlier, when the two leaders proclaimed an end to the state of war between their countries…
    King Abdullah II, who succeeded his father, King Hussein, in March 1999, visited Israel in April 2000… In June 2003, King Abdullah II hosted a summit in Aqaba with President Bush and with Prime Ministers Sharon and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. In April 2004, King Abdullah II visited then Prime Minister Sharon at his residence in the Negev…
    with a series of reciprocal visits by high-level officials. In May 1996, Israel opened trade representation offices in Oman and Qatar to develop economic, scientific, and commercial relations, with emphasis on water resources utilization, tourism, agriculture, chemicals, and advanced technologies…
    Morocco, Mauritania, and Tunisia … chose to take the path of peace and reconciliation by forming diplomatic ties with Israel.
    …relations between Morocco and Israel were formalized when Israel opened a liaison office (November 1994) in the Moroccan capital, Rabat. Four months later, Morocco opened its office in Israel, thus formally establishing bilateral diplomatic relations.
    The Islamic Republic of Mauritania and Israel concluded an agreement at the Barcelona Conference (November 1995) …Mauritania opened its diplomatic mission in Tel Aviv (May 1996) … In October 1999, Mauritania became the third Arab country (after Egypt and Jordan) to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel.
    … Israel opened an interest office in Tunisia (April 1996), and Tunisia reciprocated six weeks later …”
    Also, according to the U.S. Department of State, “Israel has diplomatic relations with nine non-Arab Muslim states”
    - http://www.state.gov/r/pa/e...
    All the best,
    labe pittleman

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    • M

      Michale -13 years ago

      Re: You are Wrong
      "Good" time is gone, now we have "bad" time, when all Arab countries, UN, Russia, US, EU are calling Israel to give up more territory. Whom does this territory belong to in the first place? To Russia, UN, Egypt, Jordan, Syria? Why so many talks about the smallest country in the World, Jewish state which surrounded by 22 huge Arabs states? "Wolves around sheep"...

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  • E

    Esther -15 years ago

    Rabbi thank you for the explanations especially the blessings. I'm really getting impatient at accepting why evil is allowed to exist, when everything comes from Hashem. I spoke to a young man today that was very humanistic (it turned out he was Jewish) although non practicing from an intermarraige and he is also married to a non Jewish lady. He spent a year in the peace core and is busy helping the needy. His theory is that if we all intermarried we'd be the same and especially in Israel where the war is between Arab(Muslims and Jewish people----the only problem with something that seems to make sense is that Ishmael hates his brother and so my question is how will this problem be solved? You could say just live apart. But if that were to work it would have happened already. I know there is a happy ending with Moshiach now----but is all the suffering necessary. I'm really happy most of the time and my children and grandchildren love Israel and we're all observant. Anyway it gave me insight into Obama, and others although I'm not sure about his motivation. It's difficult to believe that people can just dismiss the terrorism and hatred and jihad-- "as well not everyone is evil just because they're Muslim."May we hear good news. And may G-d continue to bless us.

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  • GBF

    Gennadiy Baruch Faybyshenko -15 years ago

    No answer
    Nice article, but what is the answer. Lets say that Arabs will wake up one day and say that they want peace, what would you do then? Would you cede West bank and Jerusalem to make Palestine and expell Jews living there? Or you would be ready to make Arabs a second class citizens? You have a lot of Arabs living inside Greater Israel, about half of the population, they are not minority, what should be done to them? The article does not specify clearly?
    Also no matter how good or Arabs are, they will never enjoy to live in a State that calls itself a Jewish State who has a law of return that applies to Jews only. How can Arabs sing their national Anthem Hatikvah, that speaks only of Jews, and how can any Arab celebrate Israel's Independence Day marching his own defeat. You know very well that not by bread alone does a man live. I have a natioanl pride and I respect someone who has a national pride?

    Also you mentioned the 1917 Balfour Declaration, but you did not mentioned that it included both sides of the Jordan river very explicitly, and how British cut out the eastern Part of Palestine and made a ficticious State called Jordan.

    Thank you.

    Gennadiy Baruch Faybyshenko

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  • CE

    Chanah Epstein -15 years ago

    Seeking Truth
    The Obama administration is apparently not daunted by the “minor” detail that half of the eventual “Palestine” is controlled by the terrorist group Hamas, which clearly states its objective to exterminate all of Israel.
    How do we know the above is true? And
    The Obama administration is seeking a total “freeze” on “Israeli settlement growth,” It was understood that Israel had agreed to cease FURTHER growth – is that not true. My ? are not meant to be challenges simply seek truth amid a great deal of misinformation, here say and bias that has been spread. Thank you

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  • SM

    S. Minanel -15 years ago

    Raison D'etre of Israel
    Would it help, to send the message to both inhabitants of Israel and the world, of Israel's raison d'etre, if banners and signs were placed over all the roads and major thoroughfares of Israel, especially Jerusalem, proclaiming "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF" in every necessary language?

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  • A

    Aron -15 years ago

    right on target
    Rabbi Jacobson, you couldn't have said it better.

    And if the Arabs want peace, we will give them peace. Peace for peace. (not piece for piece).

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  • SK

    Shmuel Klatzkin -15 years ago

    Islam and the Bible
    (Forgot to attach name and title to previous message)

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  • A

    Anonymous -15 years ago

    The Islamic world does not believe that the Bible is the measure of truth,as you write. It is a cardinal point that the Bible as we have it is considered by them to be a corrupt text. For this reason, Maimonides in a teshuva forbade learning Tanakh with a Muslim, something he allowed with a Christian, who, for all their differences, hold the Tanakh to be divine.

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  • M

    Meira -15 years ago

    clarity where there is usually so little
    Thank you for explaining in such a clear and accessible way why, regardless of one's level of daily observance, the commitment to Israel cannot ultimately make any sense without H" and Torah

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  • J

    J -15 years ago

    beautifully written
    Many thanks to the Rabbi for writing this. I've had many similar thoughts regarding this subject but haven't been able to put them into words. Will definitely pass this on.

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  • M

    Menachem -15 years ago

    What to do with them now?
    For what it's worth, I happen to agree with a premise of what you write: that we should be proudly putting forth our assertions in a different light of -- not sovereignty, but -- our moral right to celebrate our uniqueness in these lands.

    I also happen to believe that the concept introduced by the Arabs of Judenrein in the Middle East is racist and illegal. It shouldn't matter who has de facto sovereignty over any part of Eretz Yisroel: we Yidden should be allowed to live there and to practice our belief system, rituals and spirituality in any part of it, whether it's ruled by the Hashemite Kingdom, by the Lebanese Army of G-d, by the Syrian Baathists or by the Rosh haMemshala.

    The elephant in the room, though, the issue that nearly always seems to be absent from these types of articles that serve as rallying cries for our moral rights to be in these lands, is the nagging issue of "What to do with those who live there now who celebrate a different culture and belief system from ours?" What's the din? What is tzedek? What would survive the scrutiny of modern international law?


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  • L

    Louis -15 years ago

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson:
    With all due respect, I am disgusted with the fraud that has been committed lately by orthodox Jews. Iam Jewish myself and tried to find a balance with orthodoxy but have found it be a big hiprocarcy in many areas. Orthodox Jews and not all of them make very arrogant remarks about other forms of JUdiasm. . Yet, I ask you can you to provide me with the number of reform or consevative rabbis who have committed such awful crimes like we just heard this pasr few weeks all committed I believe by orthodox Jews. Selling body parts? Money laundering? and then you complain because a person who is Jewish doesn't follow what you consider to be the only path to JUdiasm?
    Do you really think G-d woud tolerate this sort of behavior?

    I will probably never hear from you but I for one am a Jew and am sick and tired of the divisions that orthodoxy has caused amongst Jews and the awful crimes that have been committed. If you walk the walk then you should talk the talk. Essays are meaningless unless they tell the truth and make us better human beings. I fervently hope you will share this with your orthodox rabbis and see if they can mend their ways and bring unity to all Jews . I love my religion but frankly, I am getting more and more turned off. This is not what I consider religion or spirituality. Where are ethics, morals and just being kind to other human beings regardless of whaty religion they are? That is what I believe G-d had intended for us. I am losing hope and faith. There just doesn't appear to be any meeting of all forms of JUdiasm with mutual respect. What a shame!

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    • M

      Michale -13 years ago

      Re: Shame
      I will try to answer to your question and frustration. Please forgive me because I am not "good talker". Consider this: we have Torah where 613 commands were written. We, all Jews, have to follow them. Some Jews follow, some are not. We all have different leaders, who tell us what we need to do in different situation. If somebody does “like” what they hear from their leader he/she can change the leader. Our history is more than 3300 years. G-d did not change His commands in single letter. This means that every one of us has to follow His commands. If some Jew does not follow for some reason G-d commands, then time will come and he will be punished. Unity is good thing, but you can’t have Unity if Jews do not understand WHO’s LAW we need to follow. Too many “branches” of religious are not good. We have our HOLY BOOK – TORAH, blueprint of full creation, and we need to follow only G-d book.

      Other aspect in your comment: you hear or read some bad news. You can’t trust to any news, especially when it bad. Some media is bias. We need patiently wait for Mashiach to come and we will hear all true in that time. Your task for yourself: to love Hashem, to do more mitzvoth, study Torah and be ready any moment for Mashiach.

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  • I

    Isaac -15 years ago

    To Irving
    What does a name have to do with it? That is racism. If he is a good man, he is a good man regardless of his name.

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 11, 2011
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  • 9 Tamuz 5771
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