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How Jews Overcame Collective PTSD

Every Disaster in Jewish History Unleashed an Outburst of Creativity

1 hr 19 min

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Bechukosai, 23 Iyar, 5779, May 28, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago


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  • R

    rochel -5 years ago

    Thanks for dedicating the Women's class in memory of my mother, Sara Deitsch.  I recently returned from Israel after Shavuos and was able to watch the class, which I enjoyed.  The difficulties which later led to growth you discussed in the class reflects my mother's life. She lived under communism and managed to escape the Soviet Union with some of our family after WWII.  They arrived in the USA in 1950 and built a frum family, a business, a life. Thank you again.  Rochel Sandman

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  • B

    Breuer -5 years ago

    Just to thank you profusely for your Parshas Bechukoisy Shiur. (Toichoche then Eirchin)

    As a 12th child of parents who both suffered the flames of Auschwitz & Bergen Belsen first hand, your shiur gave me lots of Chizuk. (As it “happens” my father Z”L was with the Klausenborger Rebbe Z”L in Auschwitz and would always mention about the Rebbe’s Avoide and Hecherkeit even in the most difficult situations).

    You identified these war survivors as if you had been there yourself.

    חזק ואמץ און א פרייליכין יו"ט

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