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The Finite Love of Life and the Infinite Love of Truth

Why Do We Love Life So Deeply?

49 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday Parshas Shlach, 23 Sivan, 5779, June 26, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • RA

    Reb Aharon -5 years ago

    Shiur summary

    W J 26 ‘19

    Samech vav chaf ayin = sovaiv kal almin

    Hay nun lamed = hanizkeres l’ayil = what was mentioned previously

    B’nahtos l’vavo – heart turns away


    Life is most important – yet day to day work, etc seems more important accord’g to the amount of time we invest/dedicate in other

    One needs to meditate and think deeply into what is important in life and live their life accordingly.     “Sh’yisbonein” 

    Hashem = Life  = divinity

    Mashal:  Electricity is channeled thru appliances, etc, keilim – when the appliance is unplugged the electricity doesn’t go away.

    “Hu atzmo hachayos sh’b’kirbanu” –   “Hashem Himself is the life that is within us.”

    Prioritize what’s important.

    A professor/dean comes into class.  Fills a container to the top with big rocks.  Is there place for anything else?  No.  He adds smaller pebble.  Is there room for anything else?  No.  Adds sand in between the spaces.  Is there room for anything else?  No.  Adds water and fills it to the top.   What’s the lesson?  Fill up your life with the important stuff first.   Then whatever room or time is left, be involved with the less important.

    “Ahavas olam” in davening shema – “olam” means eternal and also means “world “.   Love of the world.  Love of Hashem’s creations.

    “M’malay kol almin” – “Hashem fills all the world”

    The ruchniyus is in the gashmiyus.

    “M’loh haaretz kinyanecha” –  “All the lands are Your possessions”                                                  Maggid of Mezritch:  The world is filled w/things that we can use to acquire You,                   Hashem if we appreciate that they are from HaShem and actually manifest ruchniyus.

    “Geder gavul u’makom” – finite and spatial

    Empty space between the atoms, neutrons, electrons and protons seen thru a microscope – can visualize the divine energy in the empty spaces.  Also seen in the cosmos of the heavens.

    “M’od” – very, over the top, extra, beyond, above       doesn’t have an interruption forever

    Want to know who you are on a subconscious level?  Ask your children, they articulate aspects of ourselves.

    Arizal:  everything has a soul

    Menachos 29:  olam hazeh = hay           olam habah = yud

    Can’t define the sun from the rays of the sun.  It comes from the source yet can’t define it.  Can’t know a person from one word they say.

    “Chacham m’hu omer” – what you are, you say.

    Creation – HaShem concretized breath in a way we can understand it.

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  • RA

    Reb Aharon -5 years ago

    Shiur summary

    W J 26 ‘19

    Samech vav chaf ayin = sovaiv kal almin

    Hay nun lamed = hanizkeres l’ayil = what was mentioned previously

    B’nahtos l’vavo – heart turns away


    Life is most important – yet day to day work, etc seems more important accord’g to the amount of time we invest/dedicate in other things.

    One needs to meditate and think deeply into what is important in life and live their life accordingly.     “Sh’yisbonein”

     Hashem = Life  = divinity

     Mashal:  Electricity is channeled thru appliances, etc, keilim – when the appliance is unplugged the electricity doesn’t go away.

    “Hu atzmo hachayos sh’b’kirbanu” – “Hashem Himself is the life that is within us.”

    Prioritize what’s important.

    A professor/dean comes into class.  Fills a container to the top with big rocks.  Is there place for anything else?  No.  He adds smaller pebbles.  Is there room for anything else?  No.  Adds sand in between the spaces.  Is there room for anything else?  No.  Adds water and fills it to the top.   What’s the lesson?  Fill up your life with the important stuff first.   Then whatever room or time is left, be involved with the less important things.

    “Ahavas olam” in davening shema – “olam” means eternal and also means “world “.   Love of the world.  Love of Hashem’s creations.

    “M’malay kol almin” – “Hashem fills all the world”

    The ruchniyus is in the gashmiyus.

    “M’loh haaretz kinyanecha” –  “All the lands are Your possessions”

       Maggid of Mezritch:  The world is filled w/things that we can use to acquire You, Hashem if            we appreciate that they are from HaShem and actually manifest ruchniyus.

    “Geder gavul u’makom” – finite and spatial

    Empty space between the atoms, neutrons, electrons and protons seen thru a microscope – can visualize the divine energy in the empty spaces.

    “M’od” – very, over the top, extra, beyond, above - doesn’t have an interruption forever

    Want to know who you are on a subconscious level?  Ask your children, they articulate                         aspects of ourselves.

    Arizal:  everything has a soul

    Menachos 29:  olam hazeh = hay           olam habah = yud

    Can’t define the sun from the rays of the sun.  The rays come from the source yet can’t define it.  Can’t know a person from one word they say.

    “Chacham m’hu omer” – what you are, you say.

    Creation – HaShem concretized breath in a way we can understand it.

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Likkutei Torah Shlach Mekosheish Eitzim #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 26, 2019
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  • 23 Sivan 5779
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Dedicated for good health and clarity for Miriam bas Hencha.

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