Likkutei Torah Shlach Mekosheish Eitzim #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Shlach, 24 Sivan, 5779, June 27, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Likkutei Torah Shlach Mekosheish Eitzim #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Reb Aharon -5 years ago
Shiur summary
Th J 27 ‘19
Two loves: from m’malay and from sovaiv
M’malay kal almin -
the way we experience the divine, gevul/makom/finite, two separate things in gashmiyus, water fills a cup, paper fills a drawer, finite, spatial, toichen/reality/true essence, m’malay kal almin, tzimtzum of ohr, v’kal nafshecha, sustains all, the way divine energy is contained in a form, find oneself in G-d, conscious appreciation of life, filtered thru vessels
With awareness – all is Elokus
“Ki hu chayecha” – “He is your life” we’re not separate fr Hashem
Sovaiv kal almin –
Core, unchangeable. “ruach piv” “hevel” – comes from inside of a person, penimius, like a ray of light, not me, “akin tofais makom”, eretz equals shemayim, lose oneself in G-d – a love of truth that transcends me, aligned, beyond matzius,
In a relationship: allow the other to self actualize, bring out the best in each other
“ki Hu chayecha” – go to the core
Therapy – push past, work it thru, depth of hate = depth of love, deep triggers have to work thru them, deeper element of relationship is sovaiv kal almin when one loses oneself in the other
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