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Singing in the Abyss

Korach's Great Mistake That Some Jews Are Holier Than Others

1 hr 30 min

Class Summary:

This women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Korach, 29 Sivan, 5779, Jul 2, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY

Please leave your comment below!

  • KN

    Kiki Newman -19 days ago

    I love this class

     can you please send a link to your source sheets or at least the source of the Magid of Mezritch on Gemara Shabbos 30-31?


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  • JNYF

    jill na Yehudis Firestone -1 year ago

    It's baffleing how the sons of Korach who devised the revolt creating the greatest Machlokos, not leshem Shemayim- mentioned in Pirket Avos- had their hirhur teshuva accepted and were saved.  The Meroglim on the other hand, did Teshuva regretting what they said  and were still Chiav Misah.

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      Where does it say that the spies did Teshuvah? That does not say in the Torah.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Thank you!

    Dear Rabbi Jacobson, 

    Thank you for this special class. It was just what I needed today and was deeply motivating and inspiring. Gehinom is where Bnei Korach composed Tehilim. I am never too far to create poetry about my life! And G-d? He is the color of water. What a special idea that resonates deeply with me, and is exactly what I needed to hear today. 

    thank you! 

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      Awesome, thanks so so much for the feedback. It means so much to me and my team. May we always be able to sing and dance!

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  • M

    Michelle -3 years ago

    Beautiful and motivational. Thank you. 

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      Thanks so so much from the depth of my heart.

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  • M

    Menachem -4 years ago

    Incredible Shiur

    Hey Rabbi Y.Y.

    where did you get the nucleus of this Shiur? All your Shiurim are incredible. It would be awesome if you could post the sources.

    thanks so much!

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      It is from various sources. Thanks so so much!

      I usually post the sources in the source sheets.

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Women's Korach Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 2, 2019
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  • 29 Sivan 5779
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Dedicated by Helen Ross, in loving memory of her mother Frayda bas Yechiel Michel Hakohen, in honor of her Yartzeit 29 Sivan.

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