Tishah B'Av 5779
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Peter Brown, פִּנְחָס בֶּן יַעַקׁב פֵּסַח
This lecture was presented on Tisha B'Av, 5779, Sunday, August 11, 2019, at 11 Forshay Road, Monsey, NY.
Sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried, but you've actually been planted.
Tishah B'Av 5779
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Peter Brown, פִּנְחָס בֶּן יַעַקׁב פֵּסַח
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Anonymous -6 months ago
Or to quote thatcher
The moment you feel you're breaking down, is the moment you're breaking through. Appliea to the birth process as well.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
I know how this boy feels, and his email is so powerfull. Hashem loves us, He does, and we cant understand but we still need comfort, and a listening ear, because as much as we learn to heal, and go on, there is always this child in me who is missing a healthy, stable, loving, foundation
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Mendy Schochet -5 years ago
Samuel fine
This shiur reminded me of a similar one given by rabbi David forhman from Aleph beta
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Audrey -5 years ago
Dear M. Rabbi Jacobson
I just watched your video about the text that you had read about the boy who has been Abused....
Thank you SO much for your speech and what you did and said.
It happened to me too when I was young (between 4 and 10 years old by my father's cousin), and hearing a man, especially a Rabbi acknowledging the fact that it's pain, not drama at all to mourn all of this... is deeply relieving...
I would have finish by,
"I wish I could Love myself as much as Hashem does..."
Thank you.
Our community needs also to speak up about those subjects and clean our own pervert system...
You are now one of the resourceful person in my path.
Thank you.
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Chaya -5 years ago
I heard your shiur about the boy who wrote his personal tishabav letter. And I want to say that unless you have been the victim of abuse or a massive nisayon you will never understand. So how do you Rabbi YY say you understand he’s not being dramatic ? You can’t possibly feel the feelings we deal with. So if it’s because you c'v had the same happen to you, I want to tell you that I daven you should recover fully. I’m still on my journey of pain. And your shiurim are a huge help. And people think I just have classic depression and have no idea what is really happening. But that boy’s letter said it alll. I hope it continues to strengthen people.
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Miriam -5 years ago
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Chaim -5 years ago
Sholom Aleichem Rabbi Jacobson shlita,
I was so glad to attend your tisha b’av shiur. As I think I mentioned when Reb Moshe Isenberg introduced me to you, I attended your yud tes kislev farbrengen with a bunch of friends back in November, but, since there was quite a crowd, I never got a chance to meet you then, so I am glad I did today.
I always love your shiurim and today’s was amazing. I was told by a friend who came with me that she could not stop crying the whole time. She asked me to pass on her thanks to you and to tell you that every word you said resonated deeply with her. I think you’ve got yourself a new fan.
I just wanted to write to thank you and say how much I enjoyed it. Of course, I could have watched online, as I do every day, but in person is just so much better. Besides, it distracted me from thinking about how incredibly hungry I was.
While many shiurim on tisha b’av are depressing and maudlin in nature (as they should be on this day), yours went above and beyond, as it focused more on the hope for the future that tisha b’av represents and, focusing on the dreams of the future rather than the nightmares of the past, focusing on that belief that am Yisrael Chai, that we have not yet had closure, as Yakov did with Yosef when he refused to be comforted, was the thing which, I think, made your shiur rise above all others.
As always, it is a great zechus to hear you speak.
See you, at least virtually, for daily Chassidus and gemarah in a few hours.
Yasher koach again for an amazing tisha b’av.
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Anonymous -5 years ago
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Reb Aharon -5 years ago
Tell that young man that I love him.
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Rikee -5 years ago
I just to your shiur on the 9 steps.
Thank you, so inspiring!
I have the two books by your brother Simon on the spiritual counting of the omer (49 days) as well the
Book called 60 days beginning with elul. Has a book been written yet called ‘ the nine days’ ? your reference to the nine days coinciding with the 9 steps (or characteristics) would be an amazing book. Hope I’m not in any way imposing on you, but it’s just a suggestion. These types of books really help to appreciate ONE DAY AT A TIME. I also listened to your shiur on Tisha B’Av. Most touching was the individual Tisha bav poem which you received the night before..i pray that young boy can live a happy ‘ normal’ life. Thank you again for sharing.
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Elie -5 years ago
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Avrum -5 years ago
Rabbi YY,
Thank you for today's tisha buv shiur. Was prob the first time I hear the term "codependent" in a Torah shuir and outside of a therapy session or fellowship meeting.
Can you please send the "mourning" list you read from the email you received. I would like to add it to my kinus.
Hearing you read the list and going on and on really hit home...hearing what is missing without ever really knowing it was very emotional
Want to thank you again
And Zola shoin zine der geula!
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Sharon -5 years ago
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Ralph -5 years ago
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Martin -5 years ago
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Shimon -5 years ago
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Nuchem -5 years ago
ואביו שמר את הדבר
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Moshe -5 years ago
I have often driven from Yerushslayim to Eilat through the Negev,
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Ron Decker -5 years ago
The size of a Mustard Seed...
I am a Gentile (USA) and am so extremely impressed how G-d has Blessed this dear woman, Shoshanah, and her family/decsendants. My heart ♥️♥️♥️ is truly blessed.
Bless and Praise Hashem .... !!!♥️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Thanks for transelating everything to English.
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Rachel Leah -5 years ago
Inner tisha bav
So encouraging and uplifting
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Pinchus -5 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson Shlita,
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Me too!
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Anonymous -5 years ago
ie ditto
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Isaac -5 years ago
looking forward, thanks so much
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