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Pesachim 18b: The Biblical Source for Food Not Contaminating Other Food

Why the Torah Sometimes Explicitly Teaches That Which Can Be Derived via Kal Vachomer

53 min

Mikveh at Masada by Bradley Howard on Flickr

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Ki Seitzi, 10 Elul, 5779, September 10, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY

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    Gemarah Pesachim #77

    Rabbi YY Jacobson

    • September 10, 2019
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    • 10 Elul 5779
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    Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff, for the refuah shleimah of Ayala bas Yosefa and hatzlacha raba in helping her family return to and grow in Yiddishkeit

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