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Megillah 5a: The Jewish Calendar as a Marriage & Mental Health Manual

Never Allow Your Moon and Sun to Drift from Each Other

58 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Yisro, 18 Shevat, 5780, February 13, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    Because they don't adjust for 12 lunar months

    And the solar year, the Muslim month long daytime fast for Ramadan  moves backwards 11 days a year. Big difference between daytime fasts in  summer and  winter.  No posuk to keep the time in any particular season. 

    An interesting side note: I had to  say kaddish this past year. Normally we say kaddish, lo aleinu, for a year minus a month.  But because it was a leap year with two Adars?, I stopped two months before the  yortzeit..

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Gemarah Megillah #14

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 13, 2020
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  • 18 Sh'vat 5780
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