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Grand Purim Farbrengen with Rabbi YY Jacobson

The Meaning of "Ad Delo Yada;" Lessons of the Coronavirus

3 hr 35 min

Class Summary:

This Grand Purim Farbrengen with Rabbi YY Jacobson took place on Purim 5780, Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 10:30pm at Vilchovitz Hall, 230 Maple Ave, Monsey, NY

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  • GS

    get stoned -4 years ago

    a gantze yohr purim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    i hear!

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  • S

    Sara -4 years ago

    We are bidden to get to a place where we don't know the difference between Haman and Mordechai

    Comments from Moshe Isenberg

    We are bidden not to know the difference between cursed be Haman and blessed be Mordechai, between the ultimate in evil and the ultimate in good.

    How to get there?

    Those who take the low road take this as a justification to drink, to drink heavily, to the point where they are drunk enough to not know the difference between Haman and Mordechai. I guess they're yotzei. That's the low road.

    Then there are others, teatotalers, who are also gemorah kops who reason that when one is asleep one has fulfilled the rquirement not to know the difference between Haman and Mordechai and justifying teatotaling also. I guess they are also yotzei.

    The Alter Rebbe has a much much deeper take on this requirement. (Thank you Rabbi YY for bringing the Alter Rebbe to us in a way I've never heard for decades.) In the world that we live in, there's Haman and Mordechai, there's good and evil, there's doing the right thing according to Torah and the Noahide laws and then the opposite. There's the life we should lead, the life we should not lead. There's making choices that better ourselves and there's mesira nefesh, sacrificing one's life. And that's basically in the spiritual, ethical world. Even in the physical world, there's male and female. There's rotza b'shuv in spiritual, kabbalistic terminology. And in the scientific, natural world there are polar opposites in electricity, in magnetism, in atomic activity. In every realm of the natural world it is bifurcated; it is bipolar and the interaction between one pole to the other determines the course of nature and science and so on.

    In other words, the entire world is set up by Hashem to be bipolar. This is also the idea behind Mordechai and Haman, between good and evil, the yetzer hora and the yetzer tov. Between what is according to Torah and what is not.

    It seems that what the Alter Rebbe is saying is when we live here in the world, on our planet, our little planet, what was called by Carl Sagan the "pale blue dot" from billions of miles away, we have a Guide Book, an Owner's Manual - How to lead our life - to choose the right way, to choose life and not death, and to do the right thing and not the wrong thing. We have free choice and there is the possibility of evil. That's from our point of view down here in physical bodies confined to space and time. So comes Purim and we're supposed to basically go beyond that. So as I understand it, the Alter Rebbe explains that from HIS point of view, not from our point of view, not just in our time, space dimensions but in HIS ESSENCE of ESSENCES, atsmus ein sof, the ESSENCE of HIS EIN SOF, from HIS point of view, before HE created the world, before HE created us and everything in it, before that, there was just ONENESS. It was all just ONENESS, an absolute, ultimate infinity with no split or bifurcation, no split, no bipolar anything.

    What did HE do? HE split HIMSELF so to speak, first between HIMSELF and Creation of the entire cosmos, of the entire world HE made a split between the physical world and the spiritual world. That was the first split. Then HE also made a split when HE created man, one human being and HE made a split between that first solitary human being into a male and a female. And the same in everything in nature also (e.g. electrictiy, magnetism, atomic movements, etc.). Everything is bipolar and everything hinges on the balance between the opposite poles in every dimension. 

    So from Hashem's point of view, says the Alter Rebbe, the ultimate evil and the ultimate good, when you trace it back to its Source, before the split of Creation, the split of good and evil, the split of man, the split of everything, before everything, there's just ONENESS. So from that place of ONENESS, there is no difference between good and evil. No difference between anything because there is no anything. In fact good and evil don't even exist becuase it's all Oneness. Even the potential evil and the potential good is all One in its Source. So what the Alter Rebbe is saying is that you don't necessarily have to get drunk to realize that there is no difference between Haman and Mordechai. You don't necessarily have to go to sleep to be yotzei, but you have to come to the realization, beyond your seychel, of Purim somehow that from Hashem's point of view, before HE bifurcated everything and created good and evil and created us and created our seychel with its limitations that from HIS point of view, it's all ONE and it's all the same and there is no difference between Haman and Mordechai at HIS level.

    That of course doesn't mean that down here where we are in time and space that we can do as we please because it's all the same. I kill you. I don't kill you. It's all the same? No such thing. We're down here. We have to live by the rules of nature, the rules of the Torah and the rules as they apply to us down here. We live after the bifurcations and after the cheit aitz hadass. We should come to the realization that up there, that beyond everything it's all ONENESS. It's all the same to HIM. It's all the same. 

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      u must get stoned on purim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Beautiful and thank you! ❤️

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  • HG

    Hershel Gruenberg -4 years ago

    Amazing as usual!!

    Thank you Rabbi Jacobson. 

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