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Megillah 16a: When Haman's Daughter Was Elevated to Holiness

How Did Mordechai Transform Himself in Moments From Sadness to Pride?

1 hr 2 min

Painting by Pieter Pietersz

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday Parshas Vayikra, 29 Adar, 5780, March 25, 2020, live from Rabbi Jacobson's House in Monsey, NY 

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  • אהממבבאי

    אלכסנדר הכהן מאטיאס מלמד בת"ת בעלזא אנטווערפען יצ"ו -4 years ago

    השנה הוא 3333


    אל כבוד הרב שליט"א

    יישר כוחכם על כל הטוב שאתה מטיב לכלל ישראל ע"י דיבורכם היקרים המחזקים את בני ישראל אלפי פעמים.

    אתם אומרים שהשנה הוא 3332 שנים מיציאת מצרים 

    אבל השנה תש"פ הוא פעם 3333 שבני ישראל חוגגים את יו"ט הפסח

    כי בשנת ב' תמח ג"כ חגגו את הפסח

    ואנו מצפים לבית המקדגש השלישי.

    בהוקרה אלכסנדר הכהן מאטיאש.

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    So, do we rejoice when our enemies fail or die or not

    It was said that we should rejoice when the.enemies who sought to destroy us are defeated or die. Like Haman,  Hitler, The Iranian general (I have already blotted out  his name), etc.

    Yet when there was rejoicing when the mitzrim were drowning  Hashem said not to  rejoice when his creations were dying.

    Which is it? 

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  • A

    Aharon -4 years ago

    Also Mordechai was an anav and held his head bowed

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Was she not already dead when the thought came to mind,because she purposed to make one unclean with intent?

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Gemarah Megillah #38

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 25, 2020
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  • 29 Adar 5780
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Dedicated by David Philipp

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