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Megillah 16b: How Do You Achieve in Your Life Light, Joy, Celebration and Glory?

Why Did Haman's Sons Die In One Moment?

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Tzav, 6 Nissan, 5780, March 31, 2020, live from Rabbi Jacobson's House in Monsey, NY 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    הצד השוה בכל עשרת בני המן הוא הסתירה לאחד, ולכן מיתתם הוא נקודה אחת: גילוי האחדות בעולם. האם זוהי כוונת המהר"ל באור חדש?

    או אולי כוונתו גם שכיון שהתנגדו לאחד הנה זה נעשה גם ענינם: היינו כדי להתנגד למשהו אתה צריך להיות שייך אליו. ולכן יש אצלם גם הענין דאחד.

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    Moshe -4 years ago

    Haman outlawed Torah study but

    We see that Mordechai, even being high up in government, nevertheless disobeyed and was teaching the laws of the omer when Haman came to get him. Civil disobedience. 

    The ten sons who were hung is written as two long unequal  and unstable columns in a megilla. This denotes wickedness. Yet Haazinu and Koheles also written with unequal and unstable columns. This is because Haazinu describes the destruction of the wicked, and Koheles speaks about the visicitudes of life which include "down" periods. 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    We all know that when the Megilah is read on Purim, the entire crowd says out loud, the names of the tens sons of Haman.

    Why? Asks the Rogatchover. With the rest of the Megilah, we listen to each word of the Baal Kore, and it is as though we said it ourselves שומע כעונה.. Why is it that when it comes to the tens sons of Haman, is it not enough to listen to the baal kore, and each of us must read them ourselves?

    Says the Rogatchover—and listen well, as this is a very geshmake vort.

    The halacha is that the ten sons of Haman need to be recited by the baal kore in one breath. Now, when I listen to the baal kore reading the megilah, it is considered as though I myself have read it. Listening to the words is like saying the words. But that is only true concerning the words. How about the breath? When the baal kore breathes it is not like me breathing. So when he says the tens sons of haman in one breath, it is like I actually said all the ten sons, but I am missing the experience of saying them in ONE BREATH. The baal kore can’t be yotze me in the one breath. Therefore, every person reads the ten sons themselves with one breath.

    The words spoken in this yeshiva, the words of Torah and Tefilah, you can hear also in other schools. But the BREATH of Torah, the רוח, the atmosphere—ah! this you cannot find anywhere else.

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      Moshe -4 years ago

      Right. But that doesnt explain why we say a few other pesukin as the baal Kore waits. Minhag versus halacha? How many of us non baal Kores  can properly pronounce those unusual names let alone say them in one breath? If its halacha that we do I'd bet that most can't do it. Or maybe don't even try. 

      Or is the real distinction here not that we merely say the posuk before the baal kore, that is irrelevant, but that this is the only  place where "one breath" is required and the baal Kore can't be motzei us with his? Well, what if we didn't do it or can't? Are we yotzei the megilla? Is it like missing a  word? 

        Is the  Rogachover not learnt anywhere else? I heard once that the litvak and founder of the Elizabeth jewish community,  R. Pinchus Teitz, co-sponsored printing the Rogachoversl's works with the Rebbe.  

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Gemarah Megillah #41

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 31, 2020
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  • 6 Nisan 5780
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Dedicated by Ronald Stein, in loving memory of Aharon Hershel ben Moshe

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