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How Could the Jews Go to Sleep on That Night?

Why Were the Mosquitoes So Respectful of Their Sleep?

1 hr 47 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson presented this class about Shavuos, on Erev Shavuos, Thursday Morning, 5 Sivan, 5780, May 28, 2020.

This is a text based class on a sicha by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, in Likkutei Sichos Vol 4.

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  • YR

    Y Raskin -2 months ago

    Changed my life

       Why are your classes so long? I get stories and laying  out the foundation..   but try to even skip, and make them 1 hour, even an hour and 10 minutes..  you will still have time to put in your own agenda with stories, etc.

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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -2 months ago

      Got it

      I understand. Double speed was created for my classess...

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  • M

    miriam -4 years ago


     maybe they were preparing for the nevuah level and most n'veim got their nevuah when they were asleep

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  • MKH

    miriam kleiman hefetz -4 years ago

    not sleeping on shevuos night

    you took a basic chasidic concept.... from a very high level (מאגדא רמא ) to a low/normal/everyday level( לבירא עמיקטא  )  i don't think it was easy but you did a beautiful job.  i enjoyed listening. m. hefetz yerushalayim

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  • MKH

    miriam kleiman hefetz -4 years ago

    going to sleep at night - so is it more likely that a person would die at night so that their neshomo can go up to gan eden?

    so is it more likely that tzadikim will die at night so they enter gan eden more easily/faster?

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  • K

    Kalman -4 years ago

    It is generally accepted that Moshe was never mistaken, and that the dream on the night of Shavuot was a mistake, from the point of view of the Almighty, therefore we make the tikkun lel a Shavuot. It turns out - Moshe was also mistaken.

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Likkutei Sichos Shavuos

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 28, 2020
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  • 5 Sivan 5780
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Dedicated by Kurt Ackerman, in Gratitude to Hashem

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