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Seize The Day!

After a Long Exhausting Night, the Rebbe Looked Out the Window and Greeted a New Dawn

43 min

Class Summary:

This is a text-based class by Rabbi YY Jacobson, on a discourse by the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schnuer Zalman of Liadi, the Baal HaTanya, on Parshas Shlach, Maamar Vayishlach Yehoshua.

This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Shlach, 23 Sivan, 5780, June 15, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY

Please leave your comment below!

  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Interesting to note that the Ralbag, Abarbanel, Alshich, Shlah Hakadosh, Malbim , Or hachaim (implication) all say Yehoshua sent the meraglim on his own (Example lashon of Malbim " אבל פה שלח יהושע מדעת עצמו ולא מדעת העם" )

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  • H

    Hannah -4 years ago

    Conversation between Rabbi YY and Rav Weinberger

    One of the most geshmak things in this world are the convesations between two giants. Lately I have been really craving to know how a conversation between the two most osek in hapatzas hamaayanos (at least in English) looks like. Perhaps it is possible to organize it. 

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  • CB

    Chaim Bochner -4 years ago

    Rabbi YY: Are you planning on continuon the Gemara Shiur too ? Both shiurim are geshmak and I love them both. Please let’s go back pre corona and continue shiurim kehilchsim.

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  • ML

    Mordechai Litzman -4 years ago


    We know that Cnaan was black. According to the medrash, the Girgashi people fled to Africa. Is it possible that the Girgashi are the progenitors of the black people in Africa?

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  • A

    Aharon -4 years ago

    Everyone desperately needs a i think you call it a call out    a cheer for everyone    

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Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Shlach - Vayishlach Yehoshua #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 15, 2020
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  • 23 Sivan 5780
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Dedicated by Ronald Stein, in honor of the 42nd wedding anniversary of Ron and Melissa Stein, on 20th Sivan

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