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A Perfect Tomorrow Starts With Personal Transformation Today

Featuring Rabbi YY, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Sivan Rahav-Meir

1 hr 19 min

Class Summary:

"The Rebbe's Image of a Perfect Tomorrow Starting With a Personal Transformation Today," featuring Rabbi YY Jacobson, Senator Joe Lieberman and Mrs. Sivan Rahav-Meir, on Wednesday, 6:00pm, 2 Tammuz, 5780, June 24, 2020

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    video of Rebbe’s 26th yahrzeit

    hannah ruth:

    thank you for that beautiful presentation, video of the Rebbe's 26th Yahrzeit.

    It was so special to see the Rebbe greeting others and offering advice.  The three speakers were eloquent .

    I especially enjoyed Mrs. Sivan Rahav-Meir's story of the extreme kindness of the elderly widow's neighbor Pesach seder night, offering to let her hear him reciting the Haggadah via their open doors.  And when her son phoned her after the seder nights and asked her how she managed with the Haggadah, she responded that it was the best Seder she had since her husband passed away.

    Later it was revealed that the neighbor had contacted her son about a week or two before Pesach, requesting that he send him a tape of how his father had conducted the seder.

    This wonderful, thoughtful neighbor memorized the special way with intonations of how that family's seders were conducted, and that is how he read the Haggadah, bringing much pleasure to the widow-neighbor, during isolating lick-down covid-19 of this year, 5980.  Brilliant way to do the mitzvah.

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    A question for Senator Lieberman

    It seems to me that most orthodox jews lean Republican, if not Conservative. On the other hand, since the New Deal most unorthodox jews lean Democrat. 

       I know it's not a simple matter because there are social justice issues one way, economic issues another way. 

      Senator, you are a Democrat contrary to most orthodox jews.

      Can you explain? 

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Tribute to the 26th Yartzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 24, 2020
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  • 2 Tamuz 5780
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Dedicated by Sharon Schild

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