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Personal Request from Rabbi YY Jacobson

Let's Change the World Together

1 min

Class Summary:

With Your Support, We Touched the Souls of Hundreds of Thousands of Our Brothers and Sisters. Please Help Us Continue to Grow Our Work

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  • Y

    Yoni -4 years ago

    Thanks so much!

    Indeed, you have been immensely successful! You have been a beacon of hope and solace to so many..

    May Hashem put in to the hearts of all of those who have been touched, to respond in kind, and that you reach your financial goal.

    Hashem is with you!!

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  • Z

    ZE -4 years ago

    United for The Yeshiva


    When there was the campaign for Hatzola after COVID 19, which everyone understood what Hatzolah did and devoted for the Klal during COVID 19, I was thinking that the same should be done for The Yeshiva.net for what Rabbi YY did to the Souls and Nefesh of Klal Yisroel in these difficult times, It was also an act of Hatzola, Just "Hatzollas Nefoshis"

    Let's all be UNITED for The YESHIVA.net

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  • YMG

    Yonah Michal Ginsburg -4 years ago

    responding to the call of the hour...

    We are only too happy to share in your mission.

    It is evident that H-shem has used you mightily during these trying times.

    It is also clear that you have been facilitated in accessing a deeper aspect of your Truest Self that has enabled you to transcend & supplant a more limited version of self that came before Covid: You were created to do this now.

    Be strong, be brave, and continue to tell the Truth.

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 30, 2020
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  • 8 Tamuz 5780
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