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Rambam: Introduction Part 2

Composition of the Babylonian Talmud: The End of an Era

50 min

Class Summary:

This class by Rabbi YY Jacobson was presented Sunday, 20 Tamuz, 5780, July 12, 2020.

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  • AZ

    Aron Ziegler -4 years ago

    Ha'Orah on Shalshelesh haKabbalah

    According to the text of Avos 1:4, קבלו מהם, it would seem that Yose ben Yo'Ezer Ish Tzereida and Yose ben Yochanan Ish Yerushalayim received Torah BOTH from Antignos Ish Socho AND from Shimon haTzaddik.

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  • CE

    Chaim Ekstein -4 years ago


    Hi Rabbi YY 

    I listened to lecture # 2 and I have a Question on Minhogim. I would appreciate it if you can address it. 
    In your example of Kitnuios. I understand why they made this minhag. But why should this obligate us when we don’t live there anymore and the issue is not relevant anymore. 
    Thanks a lot for this amazing Shiur. 

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  • ש

    שמואל -4 years ago

    two הערות on today's Shiur:
    1) I remember learning that תלמוד ירושלמי was written in טבריא and not in ירושלים, which at that period was no longer welcome to Jewish and Torah life. They only called it "ירושלמי" as a זכר to our holy city.
    This fits with the fact that רבי יוחנן, who was מחבר the ירושלמי according to the Rambam here, lived in צפורי and then in טבריא (see ירושלמי ביצה א:א, מן קומי אילין תרתין מילייא נחת רבי יוחנן מן ציפורין לטיברייא). [Even if you say (as is brought down in הערה ס in the רמב"ם לעם) that it was רבי מנא and רבי יוסי ברבי בון, it is משמע that they lived in צפורי as well. (See ירושלמי פסחים ו:א, אף רבי חנינא דציפורין לרבי מנא).]
    2) The question you raised about the 40 generations being enumerated מלמעלמ"ט and then again מלמטלמ"ע.
    It was nice to hear the various answers provided ע"ד הדרוש, ואין משיבין עליה.
    I'm thinking a bit more ע"פ פשט, and בהקדם another question that was raised, why the Rambam in the 40 generations back up does not count רבי עקיבא (and רשב"י) who were the pillars of תושבע"פ!?
    As we can see, throughout the period of the תנאים, the Rambam is only counting the נשיאים. So although the Rambam at first gave us the list of all the 'major' תנאים, he wants to be מדגיש the direct שלשלת from רב אשי to משה specifically through the נשיאים (at least for the parts of history when there were נשיאים). Obviously, this would not necessitate going through all 40 generations, but יש לומר that אגב גררא the Rambam goes through all 40.
    אלא שטעמא בעי, מהו הדגשת הנשיאים בשלשלת התורה, ועצ"ע.
    וכ"ז בדא"פ

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Electrifying !

    Bechasdei Hashem I am really really enjoying these Rambam shuirim. I was zocheh to see in the original a teshuva written by the holy Rambam on a small scrap of paper ( about the size of a small matchbox ) with a clear signature in hebrew 'Moshe ' . To see that was electrifying ! This was some years ago in the British Museum in London .
     And very recently , at the end of February this year , friends of mine went to visit the university of Cambridge , Cairo Genizah collection where they have a letter that was received by the Rambam from his brother and the curator said that the stains or holes in the letter may be from the Rambam's tears. 

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  • PK

    Pinchus Krieger -4 years ago

    Does the Rov know in which city in Eretz Yisroel  was the Talmud Yerushalmi written? Secondly, why is there gemara in seder Zeraim in Talmud Yerushalmi but not in talmud bavli?

    Pinchus (Yerushalayim)

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    • A

      Avraham -4 years ago

      Maybe because in Eretz Y was more applicable  because there is  ( even today) mitzvos  that are to be done with agriculture 

      However in Bavel these halachot of Zeraim wer not applicable 

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