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Rambam Hilchos Avodas Kochavim Chapter 4

The Laws of Ir Hanidachas

1 hr 17 min

Class Summary:

This class in Rambam the laws of Avodas Kochavim, chapter four, was presented on Monday, Parshas Shoftim, 27 Av, 5780, August 17, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY

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  • YH

    Yocheved Hande -3 years ago

    Rabbi YY has jumped ahead a Chapter in the Rambam.

    According to Chayenu, Av 28, August 18th is chapter 4 In the chapter a day of the Rambam.  I love learning with him!!! 🤣, not chapter 5.  Please explain... Thank You!!

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  • ML

    Mordechai Litzman -3 years ago

    How can you larn out halachos from before Mattan Totah? (Sedom)

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  • M

    Moshe -3 years ago

    Lehavdil individual Nazi collaborators were

    judged individually 

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  • M

    Moshe -3 years ago

    The Rebbes explanation that the people of the city were joined b'achdus in a negative destructive way

    also explains the requirement that the plural form of "let US  go serve, etc" is necessary and not the singular form

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  • S

    Sara -3 years ago

    Is there a difference ...

     between the Ishmaelites "enjoying" killilng and Jews who collectively worship avoday zorah in their passion?

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Rambam Mishneh Torah

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 17, 2020
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  • 27 Av 5780
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Dedicated by Fariborz Sani, in loving memory and soul-elevation of Rachamin ben Aziz Sani Halevi; and in honor of the Sani family and relatives

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