Rambam Mishneh Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yehudis Helfand, l'zecher nishmas Moshe Yehuda ben Menachem Aaron.
Rambam Hilchos Tefillah U'Birkas Kohanim Chapter 1
Rambam Mishneh Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yehudis Helfand, l'zecher nishmas Moshe Yehuda ben Menachem Aaron.
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Mendel Silverman -3 years ago
Is the series cancled?
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Great question.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
seems so
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Really?? How can we know?
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Mendel Silverman -3 years ago
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Shlomo -3 years ago
2 questions on תפילה במקום סכנה
About the last halacha on perek 4:
"מתפלל... והטוב בעיניך עשה".
And it is explained (כסף משנה?):
why "בעיניך" because 'what we understand as good for us doesnt mean its the real good we need, and only H' knows what is it' .
Now the obvious question kikes in: If this paragraf is the, lets call it, the 'summary' of what תפילה is, the minimun someone at least needs to pray (we are talking about someone in a dangerous situation that he still has to say at least this paragraf) then Whats the point on saying to H' "whatever you like"??.
Or to put it in a different way: the guy is in a difficult situation, do we really need to bother him for this obvious praying?? ,of courae H' knows whats good!! especially that this whole תפילה its not enough because the guy has to complete the 19 blessings later! (Im just taking it to an extreme to clarify my point)
Also i saw one of your classes explaining why praying to H' it is not contradictory to what we call השגחה פרטית * but still a further elaboration on this הלכה is needed.
*perhaps this is exactly THE reason why someone on this case should complete the 19 ברכות later? , i mean because he is sort of telling H' that He know whats good and whats not, and therefore he acknowledge this scenario was planed to happen ( for the good that only H' knows) THIS IS why he is not יוצא ידי חובת תפילה, because the point of it is to ask REVEALED good from H' and not this trauma that he is undergoing.
Question 2: According to the Rambam, is someoneיוצא ידי חובה בדיעבד with this? ( lets say the person doesnt get on time to a safe place until the זמן finishes; does he has to daven twice next time? ) ________
_ Pd i know im posting it in a wrong perek, but this was todays Rambam and this is the last perek i found uploaded here. Thanks in advance!
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