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Why Do Thousands of Jewish Girls Get Lured Into Relationships With Arabs?

Tasting Dates From the Time of the Second Beis Hamikdash

1 hr 21 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson's speech for Yad L'Achim on Wednesday, 27 Elul, 5780, September. 16, 2020.

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  • PF

    P Fried -3 years ago

    I'd like to add my two cents.

    Not in every situation will it help to educate parents how to better raise their children. Unfortunately, there will always be situations where there aren't capable, functioning parents in the picture, for one reason or another.

    The question is: don't these girls realize what they are getting themselved into?

    Apperently not.

    And that must change. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Those who have funds available, should use at least some of it simply to spread awareness. Awareness of where these relationships lead to. Awareness of the tactics they employ (I've heard that at times the girls are unaware that these people aren't Jewish, at least at first). Awereness that an evil man can be behind the most charming smile. Awereness that this person possibly is not "different" than the "stories" they may have heard.

    This should be actively publicized in every forum possible, whether ads, or strategically placed word of mouth, and public talks. 
    It may be proper to utilize sensitivity and discernment on how to get the message across in different communities and forums, but the message must be conveyed in some form or other. Ten l'chacham v'yechkam od.



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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Tikun Hamedina is the answer

    Rabbi Jacobson,  

    The only thing that can change the game is Tikun Hamedina. If you, rabbis  and Jews worldwide, and Yad Lachim,  would decide that this is our main avoda, we can stop this assimilation. 

    As we know, the Arabs lure the girls as a form of warfare. 

    As we believe that Geulah is from below and Hashem is maskim-- why is this wonderful organization willing to keep fundraising but not take a political stand for Jewish education and a just court system based exclusively on Torah for all in the Jewish State? For Torah culture? 

    We are putting a bandaid on the main problem!

    Metaphors are not good enough. To realize that each Jew is a portion of the divine, great. We need the BIG PROJECT to be tikun of the State of Israel. The big project should not be bribing arabs to get girls out of villages!

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • September 16, 2020
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  • 27 Elul 5780
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